TenX Meltdown? Sell Your PAY - Buy Back in Cheaper ..

Sell now, to punish .. buy back in when they are more deserving of your support!
They are having trouble coming up with a card issuer, so your Pay token is actually at risk at this very moment; smart investors see this, and so the price of TenX will fall some more. The things that we were promised are not being delivered, and on top of that we get sh** on by the founder!?

What do you think .. Too Vicious? Unfair? True words?
If he was talking from a position of total success and bulletproof strength, then telling people to piss off if they do not like how things are going, is acceptable - there are a lot of whiners in crypto, privileged kids who think they are suppose to get everything they want, instantaneously ... but, because they are having trouble securing a card issuer, and their future is far from guaranteed, they should be asking people, politely, to be patient with them, and thank them for their support ... period!
well said!
The righteous can somethings behave harshly. :-)
Right on the money!
No, it is the truth - the TenX founder is a high energy guy no doubt about it, and to be in that position you have to be confident, but the way he was speaking to PAY holders is unprofessional and over-confident.
I agree with my bro - just because they having millions of dollars, does not mean they can not end up on the dust heap of crypto-history.
Their frustrations should never come to the surface, and supporters with legitimate concerns, should never be made to feel they are part of the problem. Telling people who bankrolled their operations that they are "not investors" is simply fucking stupid.
totally f'd up
He reminds of a guy I did cocaine with back in the 80s .. the hair and everything .. very Cali Surf Punk. lol
Very good concept and well-executed ICO .. they will deliver eventually, but have to agree .. bad PR.
true, but a 'wee' bit harsh :-)
He should have skipped that fireside chat, and took a lil nappy.
STEEM should get a card-issuer, we have 100s of thousands of potential users.
True words!
they should know they are small fish in a small barrel and remain humble
This is so true, it is something that the entire crypto community needs to remind themselves of. There are many miles to go before victory is within reach.
On first impression it looks as though its all working, but when you look deeper its not even anywhere near where it needs to be, to take off like Tenx needs.
Didn't sell. Just bought more at lower prices. The founder seems very genuine, and I like that :)
It is great video and good update. thanks @kurtbeil
100% like and resteem
Im looking to create my own banking system with crypto, but it all seems so complicated. Can anyone explain how to do this???
I did download the app but it doesn't work, I'll keep an eye on Tenx before I invest anything. Thanks @kurtbeil
This TenX founder dude lacks good PR. He could unilaterally massacre the PAY token price with his reckless rants!
Well, he is being pretty upfront and honest. I always find it insulting when companies bring out these slick, smooth-talking douchebags that are experts at dodging questions and spinning info. I like that Julian addresses each issue specifically. Maybe some of his answers could have been phrased a little bit better, but I have a lot of respect for people who stand by their principles when the going gets tough.
@techwizardry Let me clarify myself. I'm not saying Julian should dodge questions or give sugar-coated answers. All I'm saying (and I'm glad you agree) is that he could have found a better and less harsh way to communicate the same message.
I agree. I think he was a annoyed with all the stupid questions from pumpers. It's hard to keep your cool sometimes when you you're being peppered with questions from a bunch of degenerates.
Lol I guess you're right. I'm glad to see the price for the PAY token go up despite all this drama : )
you're right our buy or sell should me more representating of the Company actions.
exultant video & its good information.
For your post propagation.
Oh f*** another ITO is about to fail. Thanks for providing such useful information friend!
amigo #resteemia at your service
'My response above to the following Q&A with TenX founder ..' excellent response to him :) first expression about him said, 'he is a scammer'. useful info @kurtbeil
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