God's Perfect Plan in my Life.

April 1989. When I was in my secondary level of education, my father died unexpectedly due to hypertension. Our father was the only one working for us. Because of what had happened to our father. Our mother cannot support financially to all of her sibling, she decided to let some us are going to stop for schooling, we are seven (7) sibling and I was in the 4th. One of my dream is to finished my studies that is why when my cousin who is working here in Iligan City offered to lived with him and support me financially in my studies, I grabbed it immediately. I transfer schooling here in my 3rd year high school.
Recognition day with my cousin Frank

Everytime my cousin Frank gave me my allowance. I will keep my budget for snacks and save it in my coconut shell coin bank. Our family is in poverty line. Therefore we just have a one pair of uniform, one sock. That is why iam saving my allowance for me to buy some of my personal needs because I was ashamed to my cousin asking additional money. I study harder and I received cash award that is really a big help for me financially.

Receiving a cash award for one of the top in the class

In the year 1993, I was in college taken up Engineering Technology major in Computer Electronics. It was a three year course only and fortunately granting a scholarship and receiving a small amount of money that can support my studies. In my third year, I experienced hardship when my cousin left me in the house without any amount of money for the bills and house rental. Until the electricity was disconnected and going home without something to eat because my scholarship allowance was consumed already in my requirements in school, the worst is I was advice to transfer from the apartment because I cannot paid the rental. Living with no idea where my cousin be back. I occupied a bed spacer just to let me finished my course since it was my last semester. Survivor as what I called. Thanking God and cried to Him for letting me passed all of what was i've experienced. To make the story short. I've finished my course.

College Graduation Day

I thought that was the ending of my hardship and trials but I was wrong. It was a big adjustment for me because I didn't received any allowance anymore therefore I need to find a job immediately for me to survive. My churchmate offered me a job in a Computer Shop. The salary was below minimum wage but I need to grab the work for my daily needs. I was hunting a stable job that time and yes one of the bricks company here in Iligan City was hiring a Computer Technician, I undergone exam and interview and by God's grace I've passed and they hired me. I thought that job was the answer to my prayer but I was wrong because in my way to comply all the requirements needed the H.R. department of the company called me and telling me that they had already hired a new technician. I didn't knew what would be my reaction that time, a bit down and frustrated but I didn't lose hope. Until one day my cousin who was working in a Pre-Need Company offered me a job to occupy the vacant position as collection analyst. Without second thought, I accept the offer. One month after I received a call from the bricks company who declined the job offered and told me to submit my requirements because they hired the wrong person and I was the one fit for the position. But I thought that that job was not the one God's prepared for me, so I didn't grab the offer anymore. After a year I've noticed that the bricks company had that supposed to be working with been bankcrupt and t'was closed. The realization that time came to me that God has really a purpose for everything. I maybe jobless if I get the offer but He is really good to me. God's promise is true in Jeremiah 29:11 "FOR I KNOW THE PLANS THAT I HAVE FOR YOU, DECLARES THE LORD, PLANS TO PROSPER YOU AND NOT TO HARM YOU, PLANS TO GIVE YOU HOPE AND A FUTURE".

Last 2004, our company implemented computerization and offered me another position having a Technical Support Staff and become trainor of all the staff all over Mindanao.
Now, I am 18 years in the company and happily serving with the company and all our clients.

At the office- Present time

I hope that I may inspired you through my story. God is always on time to answers our prayer and God's plan is perfect.

Thank you fir taking time reading my post. Asking for support.

It's me,


Thank you for sharing your story @xcel2018. I hope it's an inspiration to others too that giving up Is not an option and to Have faith that God will make a way.