What Does ‘I’ In Your IPhone Means?

If by any chance you think that the ‘i’ in the Apple products stands for the person who owns it, then sorry my friend you are wrong. Here is what it actually means -
Introduced in 1998, iMac was the first Apple product which started with ‘i’. During the product launch of iMac, Steve Jobs told that ‘i’ stands for the Internet. Those were the early days of the Internet and iMac was aimed to provide faster access to the Internet. In his exact words, Jobs said: “iMac comes from the marriage of the excitement of the Internet with the simplicity of Macintosh”. He continued to explain with a slide that ‘i’ also stands for the internet, individual, instruct, inform, inspire.

"I" = Apple owns your ass and everything you do on your phone.
You are their "beeeeetch".
$250B USD in reserves tells the entire story.
thats why i use android ;-)