Technology: Benefits and Drawbacks

in #technology7 years ago

Technology has made huge leaps and bounds in the past few years. It is mind-blowing to imagine that a single iPhone today has more capabilities than a supercomputer made fifty years ago. Modern tools have now made living easier, more convenient, and more enjoyable. However, not everything seems to be on the up and up. Along with the benefits, there are also several drawbacks in living in a technological world. Discussing both sides of the story would help everyone gain a fair perspective about said advancements.


  1. Increased Productivity

Of course, an increase in productivity is expected due to technological wonders such as modern manufacturing machines, computers, phones, modes of transportation, and whatnot. Tasks which used to consume several hours can now be performed with a simple touch of a button. Thus, in both the personal and business aspects of life, hi-tech gadgets serve to increase one’s productivity, saving time and improving one’s performance and output.

  1. Accuracy

Due to hi-tech tools, people are able to manufacture products and perform jobs with utmost precision. With just a few settings, a factory can churn out high quality products with perfect specifications. Consequently, fewer mistakes are made. Even medical surgeries are now made easier.

  1. Time-Saver

If one wants to go across the country, one simply needs to hop in an airplane as opposed to several days or months of sea travel. With the aid of a computer, a writer can efficiently create, save, and edit their work as opposed to writing on a manual typewriter. Even cooking time is being shaved due to advanced cookery that is now flooding the market.


  1. Job Redundancies

There is a price to pay when it comes to advancements in technology. People tend to lose their jobs when their tasks can easily be performed by machines or robots. Factories typically scale back on employees once they already have an assembly line of unpaid robots doing tasks faster and with more precision.

  1. Lack of Personalization

Some businesses excessively use hi-tech tools to the point that it becomes dehumanized. This, in turn, may damage their trade since most people still want face to face transactions when doing business. Also, a lack of personalization can lead to loss of trust and reliability.

  1. Business Expense

While technological upgrades are certainly beneficial to a company, some might not have the financial power to support them. Continual upgrades and maintenance of hi-tech tools might not be as cost effective as one might hope.

  1. Health

Some researchers say that health can be negatively affected by the rise in hi-tech tools. For instance, people that are constantly exposed to video games, tablets, and TVs might develop severe eye strain, muscle control issues, heart problems, ear impairment. Factory waste is also a huge cause of pollution.

Nowadays, most people cannot imagine living their lives without modern technology. However, one should always take into account that technological advances do not automatically equate to success and convenience. There will always be drawbacks along with benefits.