Will A Single Smart Glass Replace All Our Gadgets?
Computers are perhaps one of the most significant inventions of humanity which have literally changed the way our whole civilisation functions. I don’t think there is any area that is untouched by computers.
In the beginning, computers were as large as buildings and now thanks to the exponential progress in computing technology (like miniaturisation for example), today, we have devices in our palms that are millions of times faster than those computers.
And the most interesting thing is that computers keep evolving and take various shapes and forms with different functionality to serve our various needs. We have laptops, smartphones, tablets, smartwatches and soon, smart glasses.
Yes, there is an entirely new category of computing that is being developed - one that could replace everything else in the coming times. Coupled with augmented reality, smart glasses could be the one device category we need.
Augmented Reality - Future of Computing Interface
Right now, we are pretty much used to two type of interfaces for our computing. One type of interface is the one we have on our desktops and laptops where we use a keyboard and a mouse.
The second type is the one that we have on our smartphones and tablets which are simpler but we can interact with the virtual elements more with our touch. Augmented reality is a revolutionary computer interface, that puts these virtual elements into the real world, so that both feel like sharing a common reality.
Right now, we are only beginning to get a taste for augmented reality via our smartphones and dedicated devices like Microsoft’s Hololens and Oculus Rift, but in the future, even these will get simplified to their most minimal form i.e. the form of spectacle glasses or in the more distant future, in smart contact lenses.
This is exactly like in the movies where people get all the information they want right in the eye wear and in their field of vision such that they can also interact with that information. These devices would of course be connected to the internet so you could get all the information you want.
Challenges And Promises
Not only will this simplify our digital life quite a bit by potentially replacing other bulky devices, it will also provide interactive computing needs/experiences anywhere you can imagine, especially on the go.
You wouldn’t even need to look down on your smartphone all the time to do that, as every info will be right there. Augmented reality has tons of benefits as a computing interface as we can fully immerse in the virtual elements which can interact with the real world. This. Is. Huge!
Now the challenges. One of the immediate challenges I see is local storage. We are habituated to store terabytes of data in our computers and for smart glasses to replace computers totally, they would be needed to be able to store all that data in a very, very tiny space. This is relatively easy however given the recent advancements in this field.
The second challenge would be computing power, which could be taken care pretty easily, given how powerful mobile chips are getting these days. In the future, this will only keep increasing, along with decrease in size. The third challenge of battery life should be pretty easy to take care as well if we nail long distance wireless charging.
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You are good and great technology sir very good information sir @sauravrungta
Thank you :)
The Smart glass means to improve in technology, that's our need. The electronic gadgets or new technology make our life simpler. In other hand, the increase of technology in life decrease our interaction with other.
We can only hope that this direction would make our lives easier while at the same time not be as detrimental as some of our other gadgets.
AND...shortly after smart glasses.................... neural implants.
Humans will merge with computers at the biological level.
Yeah, that seems like the natural path to follow.
so yoiu think its a good idea @sauravrungta ? should we embrace this " tendence " being sold to us as the future and convenience and facility of use experience?? Is it good enough reason for it to exist, a good idea ?? Would you accept the chip if they told you it is the law ??
I think it doesn't matter whether it's a good idea or not. It matters where the overall technology is headed and I think it is headed this way. The ultimate miniaturisation of our gadgets. I personally wouldn't want a chip embedded in me!!
No I am sure you would,nt like that junk inside yoiu eh @sauruvrungta, for the reasons which I am pretty sure that you and I are aware of ! So then why would you say that this is the future ?? Surely it must not be ? How does writing a post which states that this WILL be our future prevent you one day from being given no choice but having to accept the little robot in your bloodstream ? I think really it does matter if this technology is bad for us and it should be the resposibility opf every human being alive to dsy to reisit this and make others aware of the agenda ! But to say that this is the future and just accept it hands down is refusing reponsibility to future genrations coming up ! As indeed that cannot fight this in our place, its our time and and our choice !! I have made mine as I think you know already ! So where are you in this fight ??
I really think one should be careful with what we say is our future !
The Future is ours to make and not theirs for us to simply accept !! I hope you agree ?
Well, the post was about smart glasses, which I don't think there is anything wrong with. Regarding implants, I said that this is the future because that is where the entire technology sector, computing specially has been headed ever since we learned how to make things smaller and more intimate. Regarding my fight, of course I would reject it and would tell everyone around me to reject it as well. But to bring about an absolute change in the world, I think just about 25% of the population need to be convinced for it to be mass adopted. Just like how smartphones are mass adopted today but initially only handful of people adopted them. I know it is not right and we can try to do whatever we can but as we all know, market forces are such a tremendous force that our efforts, unless an absolute rebellion, just wouldn't matter.
But Google Glass failed ! Did you not see that ?? Its a fact, it dived as people did not like it and rightly so ! People are not that dumb they smell something bad and thankfully this is so ! A market that seems strong today can be destroyed in just months once awareness of negativity concerning this product becomes mainstream ! You will see I think that we are in a great awakening and the result will be a huge reduction in all of this invasive and phtysically damaging technology that for now we accept and yes....use ! But for how long when people finally see it for what it is , dangerous and damaging ! I am so happy and appreciate that you do take the time to answer my queries on your post ! Nice ) I hope your are doing fine ! )
I worry about humanity if smart glass completely replaced our other gadgets. A lot of people are easily distracted by their devices. Imagine how hard it would be to avoid distraction, if everything was always right before your eyes.
I worry it will decrease human interaction with family and friends. The more we become connected on the internet the more we become disconnected from other interacting with people in real life.
You are right! All of this is so new (evolutionarily speaking), we haven't found equilibrium with how to interface with technology yet. You can see that in every day use with people staring at their screens more than interfacing with people.
As the living generations being exposed to this rapid change, it's up to us to develop beneficial ways to use it and to also carefully learn to recognize the ways it hurts us.
I totally agree with you there. We have yet to figure out how to properly interface with technology and that's why the evolution still continues.
nice comment i am with you @sauravrungta
I agree! There would need to be a lot of getting used to at first. And if you want to completely avoid the distraction, I think you could just put the glasses in your pocket like we do with our phones.
@sauravrungta sir every technology has pros and cons but it is sure we are accepting these technology for our mean purposes lets time come and look whether we are getting more civilise or we are going to end this world.
Yeah, technology is always a double edged sword and it totally depends on the wielder what they want to do with it.
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smartglass will be introduced soon but i don;t think so that it will be able to replace all the gadgets..
Whether smartphones and other small gadgets are introduced.
But still i think there are so many applications which will require laptops and computers.
i Don't know but i still believe computers an laptops can't be replaced..
Yeah, smart glasses won't replace the smartphones immediately. It might be a gradual displacement. Or not! We will know in the coming decades how this exciting world develops :)
The days is not far when we will have flying cars..
Yeah, Uber has already started developing them in partnership with non other than NASA.
seriously :o I didn;t know that :o
something like black mirror shows in one episode, bionic eyewear allowing users to create recordings of moments, sounds possible one day..
Yeah, that episode was really crazy, but I think that would one day be possible.