Is DNA The Holy Grail of Data Storage?

in #technology7 years ago


For the past few decades, our lives have changed in drastic ways. I think no other era has proven to be such a big departure from the one preceding it, than the one we live in today.

The advent of personal computers and the internet has been one of the major reasons for that as they snowballed the digitalisation of human life. The constant increase in computing power, internet speed, battery tech and data storage technology, have all acted as catalysts for the same.

Each of those individual technologies has seen some major breakthroughs over the years. For the purposes of this article, I am going to talk about data storage in particular.

Data storage technology allows us to virtually store our lives and the various aspects of it in the digital realm and serves as the backbone of this information age that we live in.

Storage Media Over The Years


There have been all sorts of storage media over the years but we are all aware of the mainstream ones that we have used at one or the other point in our lives.

Floppy disks, CDs, DVDs, hard drives, pen drives are the various terms we are all familiar with. While some of these have gone the way of the dodo, some have become the prevalent media of our times.

But these storage media that are cutting edge today, might become obsolete in the foreseeable future. You see, we generate more than 2.5 Exabyte (2.5 billion GB) of data per day and this is only going to keep increasing.

In a not so distant future, there might come a time where we might generate more data than we are capable of storing it. Therefore, we need to look into possible solutions and we might not have to look very far.

DNA Storage


DNA forms the building blocks of life itself as it literally contains the blueprint for life. Every single trait that we have is stored in our DNA and this information is passed on for generations to come. It is nature’s way of storing and transferring data.

If we are somehow able to replicate this and start storing our digital data onto DNA, it would be a major revolution in this field and one that will last for a long, long time.

A lot of research is going on to achieve just that with scattered success here and there. In fact, a few months back, researchers were able to store a whole computer operating system, an Amazon gift card and even a movie and some other files into DNA strands. They were also then able to retrieve this information without any errors.

So….why DNA? Well, let me first state a fact. A few kilograms of DNA is enough to store the entirety of data that we have. This alone should be reason enough. But wait, there’s more! The data stored in DNA will last for hundreds of years if stored properly. In my opinion, that makes up for the holy grail of data storage right there.

As with any new technology, storing and retrieving data into DNA is proving to be quite a challenge resulting in exorbitant prices, but that happens with almost any new technology and things are bound to get more efficient, easier and cheaper, as time progresses.



Experts estimate that this technology should be in the hands of the common people in a little over ten years. If you ask me, that is not long at all. In fact, ten years is a relatively short time in the technological landscape.

When this technology finally arrives though, it is anybody’s guess in what form factor we will be using it. Maybe it will be a very tiny device that we will plug into computer systems or maybe one day, we might even carry our own data in our own DNA, using whatever methods imaginable to access it. That would make for a very private and efficient data storage for sure!


Reminds me of what my professor used to say all the time, "Nature is always the best designer". While our inventors have a few decades at best to come up with a design, Nature has had billions of years to experiment and come up with the best ones.

Yes, humanity has always looked up to nature for inspirations on so many innovations. It's the best designer without doubt.

what a juicy information , i like it plz keep it up , keep sharing

If it's new it seems scary. Messing with DNA is scary. Of course they are already messing with DNA in other ways. I've heard the government in the US is 50 years ahead of what they are sharing with the public.

As far as genetic modification goes, I think we should be careful with how much we should change. But as far as storing information goes, I don't think it will mess up our DNA at all. Also, storing data within our own DNA is still way into the future.

I've seen papers about what is essentially DNA but with different base pairs. Same data storage possibilities, less likelihood of killing all life on earth with some super prion. Also, DNA mutates at a very regular rate. So regular that it must be built into the code. That would need to be removed for effective data storage that is not supposed to evolve. A large portion of our DNA is what is called "junk DNA," and was probably placed there by viruses. Some believe this viral DNA is where the mutations come from. In that case, maybe there would be no need for removing mutation code. I have no doubt that DNA will be used as storage sometime in the future, if we don't send ourselves back to some sort of dark ages where most technology is lost. It has happened more than once. Anyway, nice article.

Yeah, still a lot of mysteries there but I am sure in time we will be able to crack the code. I have no doubt in my mind that in the future this is going to be the main technology for storing data, be it on synthetic dna or our own.

I think the main bottleneck with DNA storage is reading and writing speed.

Yes, that's exactly right. But that was the case with magnetic storage when it was first introduced as well. With time, everything becomes better, faster, cheaper.

Wouldn't this theoretical data storage on DNA be prone to damage such as from radiation just like human DNA is mutated by certain out side factors?

From what I read, it is highly durable.

Yes, the DNA in all organisms gets damaged frequently, be it by radiation, chemical mutagens or copy errors. What keeps data integrity at acceptable levels in living organisms is the repair mechanisms all cells have. Keeping your data storage very clean, and shielded from UV will reduce the decay, but eliminating copy errors and cosmic radiation is near impossible.
With serious redundancy and storage for a limited time I could see this work in the future for some types of data storage needs, but the mutations are indeed are a severe liming factor.

I've read many theories on DNA Computing. I think DNA Computing will revolutionize the medium of data storage. This will blaze a new trail in the world of computing. But how will they get across the need for DNA Sequencing?
Nice post. Upvoted and followed

Yeah, it will truly be a revolution for sure!! So much data can be stored in such little space that we wouldn't need to worry about our data storage needs for a long time :D

The possibilities are endless ☺

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What if we accidentally store the data that turns DNA into a terrible human death virus?

haha I don't think it works that way. lol

We should be so lucky!