Are Humans Gradually Losing Control To Artificial Intelligence?

in #technology7 years ago

It is no longer news that we are in the brink of a major revolution in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI). But looking at this revolution overtly, there are more to it than just a mere science evolution. 

What is the effect of this emerging technology on humanity?

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AI and the future of our jobs

Among the fears of this emerging robo-tech, is the fear of loss of jobs to automation. A survey that was carried out in the UK by professor Noel Sharkey proved that; about 49% of jobs are at the risk of being lost to automation.

But contrary to the beliefs of some uninitiated, I think that the presence of AI will do more good than the absence of it.

We just need to figure out a way to make AI to compliment humanity, instead of replacing humanity.

A trip down history's memory lane

I make so much references to history {you won't blame me, my mum is a historian}.  Back in the 1800s, in the area of agriculture, human labour contributed the major input in farming. Believe me, farming was more like a punishment back then {my late grandfather had similar story to tell}. But all that changed with the industrial revolution of 1900. Human labour was replaced by machines and tractors.

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It is true that human jobs were lost, but no doubt, output was astronomically increased. 

The work that would have been done by 1000 "human powers" was achieved by 1 "horse power" machine and sill made way for better output. 

Is that an advantage or a disadvantage?

The question now is: Will history repeat itself with the emergence of AI revolution?

AI in military

Another area that I've so much thought about is the area of military.

Will AIs be incorporated into the military?

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Now, this is the scary part. Imagine a human Captain leading an army of humanoid robots. Would that not contravene the first law of robotics?

"A robot must not injure a human, or through inaction, allow a human to be harmed" -Isaac Asimov's first law of robotics {paraphrased by me}

When a human Captain leading an army of robots gives an order "Attack, proceed; shoot at sight -over and out", will these AIs be bound to obey such orders knowing that it has contravened the law of robotics? ("Ihe nke a dikwa egwu" - "This is weird"; in my local dialect")

How about having a full robot army, Captain included?

I guess humanity should just brace for impact as we welcome this revolution in AI, "for wars come and go, but these AIs will stay for long"

{Designed by me: Yours in Cybernetics @samminator}

Thanks for reading

References for further reading: Ref1, Ref2