14 Future Sophisticated Technologies, There Are Already Realized

in #technology5 years ago

Have you ever been amazed at the future of technology in fiction films? It could be that you think what the impact will be if the technology is realized

Sooner or later, the advanced technology of the future will be realized. In fact, there are already realized at this time

The following is a list of advanced technology that has and will be realized

1. Autonomous Car

Self driving car is a vehicle that is able to carry its passengers without the driver being driven. The system works with a special sensor camera that detects motion and the environment around the vehicle. Then the image from the camera is processed with intelligence to determine the direction and purpose

2. Hoverboard

Flying skateboards already exist and are sold in the market. Self balancing the scooter will become a trend. But actually what is expected in the future is a skateboard-like device whose use is completely without wheels and can fly. There are now several companies developing it and maybe you will be able to see the increasingly sophisticated tool in the near future

3. Holographic Hanphone

Holograms are technology that can be used for various purposes such as education, entertainment or business. With a hologram, you can see an object's visual appearance in 3D (three dimensions) through a mobile phone

4. Mobile Flexbe

The future of flexible cellphone technology was initiated by Samsung. The South Korean company is developing screens that can be bent and folded. In the future, what can become a trend is not a thin cell phone, but the flexibility of the body to make it easier for users to store their cellphones

5. Clothes Folding Machine

Lazy to fold clothes at home or tired because the clothes are piled up waiting to be folded? Soon there will be a clothes folding machine that will help you With this clothes folding machine, you only need to hang the clothes you want to fold and then immediately processed by the machine

6. Smart Shoes

One of the most sophisticated developments in technology is smart shoes. This shoe can detect the user's movements from walking, running, and climbing. Later these smart shoes will send information such as distance traveled, speed, to the number of calories. This sophisticated shoe is powered by batteries for 60 days

7. Hyperloop Train

The development of advanced technology in the world of hyperloop transportation was introduced by the founder of The Worry Company, Ilon Most. Ilon means encouraging big cities to develop to have a mode of transportation that is fast, safe, and able to accommodate many passengers. With hyperloop, 20-40 passengers can travel speeds of 1,700 kilometers per hour

8. Flying Car

Flying cars will be realized soon. This car is like a vehicle in the movies. One that started was the British detective agent James Bond film series, The Man With The Golden Gun

Soon you can see this technology floating in the sky. Cars can run on land and air. Users also need pilot certification for the safety of this flying car

9. Space Tourism

Development in the world of space is also very rapid. Soon you can enjoy this. Start seeing the moon and earth in a vacuum from outer space. The United States space agency, NASA, is working on this and you can register a 2019 space trip

10. Laser weapons

The development of military technology believes that laser weapons will be the next generation. The prototype of the laser weapon tested was able to destroy small ships, shoot missile hearts, and unmanned aircraft. But this weapon has not been able to change the face of war in the world because it has not been produced in large numbers

11. Robot Army

Army robots will also be predicted to be the object of the most advanced technological developments in the military world. The size and calculation of computers and the reduction in human casualties are strong reasons for countries such as the United States and China to develop this technology

12. Teleportation

Teleportation has so far only been found in papers and scientific research journals in the form of mathematical equations. However, if the mathematical concept exists, teleportation could become a future development in the real world. Teleportation is suspected of wormhole due to Einstein's theory of relativity and gravity as a concept of space and time. This tool is predicted to be completed in 2035

13. Design Baby with Genetic Engineering

Crispr gene editing as a future technological development. With this technology, you can choose to have children who are smart, healthy, and beautiful

China has tried to do crispr gene editing of human embryos to design babies with several characteristics. This is a sophisticated and "terrible" future developmental technology

14. Weather Survey and Party Election with Artificial Intelligence

James Bridle's latest project wants to show that weather conditions will affect voting in elections. Then build a learning museum, predict election results based on weather conditions

Random indeed, but in essence this technology has been widely used in real life even though its users are said to be still at an early stage and require further refinement in the future