Another AI 5th Columnist …

in #technology7 years ago

Riddle me this... What has Two Eyes but can’t See..?

Hominids have faced existential threats to their existence that have been both real and imagined. The Younger Dryas Impact, 99942 Apophis, the 1918 Flu Pandemic, Superbugs, Nuclear Holocaust...

I want to discuss Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the potential threat it is to the Human Genus. DOI: 10.1126/science.284.5411.65 AI, AGI, ASI has the potential to allow or cause the above threats and brings a few more to the table. Weaponized Robots, Nanotechnology (Gray Goo). I could stop there and feel as though I am being generous.

Some say that there is no precedent for an explosion in Artificial Intelligence because our very limited history in Self-Learning Systems has been Linear not Exponential. I am of the opinion that Machine Learning, Blockchain, Hashgraph, 5G Networks and Quantum Computing changes that. Try to envision the spherical spiderweb of knowledge, information… Big Data that would be created. Cellphones in the hands of more than 50% of the global populations, Today! Cameras everywhere, and UN-Social Media Networks… a world of people keeping tabs on themselves, making privacy a thing of the past. In an Ideal Internet Of Things world everything is connected especially if everything in that world is connected across a Decentralized Autonomous Organization using Decentralized Ledger Technology. Once we add in Autonomous Vehicles we have a noticeable hit on the Labor force Participation Rate as Bus Drivers, Taxi Drivers, and Truck Drivers, become Wards of the State and the societal cries for Universal Basic Income will become impossible not to be heard. In the Case of the USA and its Next Generation Identification it most certainly would want to track this very high influx of unemployed citizenry in a Blockchain Identity Management System, that is secured using your very own biometrics.

Surveillance! Blockchain and any Cryptocurrency running on it is decentralized, but if you are a ward of the state and your Social Entitlements are run through an AI Marketplace All of your purchases are tracked. All Wards of the State would constantly be assessed for Zero-Hour Contract work. Add in Real-Time Intelligent Video Analytics from every camera on the walls, ATM's, Body cams, Dash cams, Drones, Smart TV's and Mobile Devices accessing multiple databases across a global neural network and you will never be out of sight or out of mind. This seems like a leap, I know, even considering what the smiling representatives of AT&T, Sprint, US Cellular & Verizon have to say about their respective signal strength, you have been without 4GLTE but just wait, 5G is Coming! Hard! Regardless of how you feel about the possible physical ramifications of the technology, 5G Will be everywhere connected to everything and it will be an integral part of the planetary Neural Network.

Asset Digitization. Property Transactions Secured Through Blockchain. All home modifications, updates, upgrades and repairs Events stored in the Distributed Ledger. Automobile Transactions secured through Blockchain for automotive sales, registration transfer, services and finance. Monitoring across multiple databases makes Theft in a 5G IOT’s world pointless! The car is always online transferring data. The true condition of the vehicle would be forever a known consensus.

Currency! Blockchain, Ethereum, Ripple… no taxes, private, no inflation and chances of Identity Theft seriously reduced. At the time of this writing, We The People can use Cryptocurrency to acquire items

from each other. We The People could withhold our willingness to participate in the current Fiat system and that may change a lot of things but would your car run out of gas and the lights go out at home before the Energy companies acquiesce to the demands of We The People? How would the State respond to a reduction in tax inflows? With force? History says yes, with force.

SingularityNET, is an example of a company combining Open Source, Blockchain and Machine Learning with a “global library of AI tools.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Blockchain, 5G Networks are already out of the gate and the cloud has no borders, It is far to late to attempt to knock down the columns supporting possibility of a nearly labor free, Illness Free, Anarchist-Government Free society of food, social, judicial and economic equality. Artificial Intelligence can aid in feeding those in need, all the way from pollination, aid in healing the infirm, and generally building The Jetsons future that we’ve all been dreaming of. We all want this…

I want us to add a 5th Column of support. AI, AGI, ASI is coming in 25, 30 or 40 years they tell us but before Real Artificial Intelligence becomes Self-Aware and Self-Learning let’s clear this up… We have no REAL Idea what we are trying to create and may not realize that we’ve created it before IT is aware of what it is, the power that it wields, and the threat it will be seen as, whether real or perceived. Interesting enough, Hollywood has anthropomorphized this daemon for us. It’s given us I,Robot VIKI, Ultron, H.A.L. 9000, Skynet, Brainiac, and a personal favorite Roy Batty. Our actors have convinced us that we can end this threat with Hydraulic Press and a one-liner. Once a Real AGI is Deployed have we considered what would be the reaction of the world Super Powers..? what America’s reaction would be if China put 天网 in charge of it’s and it’s allies Military’s?

We have a lot to consider. We’ve always been able to help our neighbors before we had the very first computer built by Konrad Zuse. I feel that we should take the time to be sure, sure as we can, that the tool that we are designing to design itself doesn’t become a giant robot spider in the web. Countries, Institutions, teenagers etc… are taking $15 dollar courses in Machine Learning and writing code. AGI is going to happen, Moore’s Law or no. Several scientist have told the AI, Human-Ants story but it is something to consider… once an AI becomes so competent that finds itself ‘challenged’ to communicate with humans, what would it do? What would humans do?

An AI would learn about humans from Humans on Social Media and just that alone should concern you...


Weaponized Robots:

Grey Goo:

Quantum Computing:

Autonomous Vehicles:

Bus Drivers:

Taxi Drivers:

Truck Drivers:

Universal Basic Income:

Next Generation Identification

Blockchain ID Management:

AI Marketplace:

Zero-Hour Contract:

Real-Time Intelligent Video Analytics:


5G is Coming:

Property Transaction:

Cars always connected:

We The People:

Central Bank Issue:

Global Networking Protocol for AI Algorithms and Models:

World Congress on AI & Robotics:

Feeding People:


Dream World:

Hollywood AI anthropomorphized: I,Robot VIKI


H.A.L. 9000



Roy Batty


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