Cybertruck - The Fashion of Mocking Elon Musk

in #technology5 years ago

Welcome to a new decade where humanity is better than ever but just as fucked up as ever. And to improve our self-esteem came the new line of electric cars from tesla. There have been many questions about this but the most important one is undoubtedly, what led them to do this with so many design options, they had to choose the graphics of the minecraft that was going on in the minds of tesla designers to announce something so strange and perhaps the most important thing is that it will mean this for people, transport and especially the future of electric mobility on the planet. Without further expansion I am Max and this is NeonFlux


Well, well, well let's go first we can say a lot of things about this cyber design choice but one thing that we definitely cannot ignore is the choice of the cyber track name that I leave to the crowd thinking but because but because of all the names Possible in the universe somehow managed to give it the most apocalyptic name possible. I understand that we are already used to watching cinema and in this so-called contemporary culture it seems that the event had been a presentation of the third installment of blade runner the soundtrack and the fireworks make us understand that the car would have come directly from Mad Max and the guys who get out of the car when they park it just seem to have arrived from matrix and, of course, that light air can not be missing from cyber punk.

That somewhat anarchic world strangely decadent technological and somewhat futuristic retro at the same time. But you may ask, what is the problem with this? As the charm of driving an electric car is to pretend that it is not supposed to be the objective of creating cars as similar as possible to those of gasoline, they imagine a spinster mother doing grocery shopping with her three children riding in this beast because I don't. That is the big problem that we have been living here in Latin America is precisely why your uncle Aurelio still drives that first-generation Volkswagen that smokes like a coffee maker. The problem is not the presentation if you don't sell it to that family that has their house mortgaged twice.


This car and the event seems to leave a bathroom of references of the 80s and more than leaving a good impression, it simply gave us an inexhaustible source of memes.

Enough. This video is a little late but it was only because all this time I was looking for the photo of the original design of this car I suggest you take precaution because the images you will see below are revealing.

The announcement came in a very hurried way, without ceremonies despite all the fireworks simply there was on the stage the attempt of vehicle and with him was daddy Elon the salvation of Musk humanity.

Then everything happened quite quickly and with all the tests only had some mishaps but in a short time we were given a small demonstration of what this machine was able to do finally let it debut. Of course, it has its design merits, it is not that I agree with all the options, but in short, what defines the aesthetic choices of this car is a simple phrase, the car is a union of fashion and function.


The car is a fashion item when I saw that car take the stage I could not stop thinking about those super crazy and super elegant clothes of the fashion week in Paris that would never be used in everyday life are provocative garments conceptual garments that clearly they have much more aesthetic stimulation and cause a reflection of what is a use in the real world are not something that mere mortals would wear and the cyber truck is the same is not something that anyone would drive both concepts have the same intention is more like a placement of a positioning of something that we will see in the streets in the not so near future. the angles and characteristic a little monolithic make an idea of ​​the strength of the aggressiveness of this car is a car that you would use to run over a horde of zombies that is, in that panel of differences used to create this car we see things like airplanes furtive and those things of the industrial environment from an aesthetic point of view the symbolic references sell you an arid place of farm.

however spending much more money in a technological world that seeks to sow the foundations of a clean society is still somewhat uncomfortable for most people. Brushed steel forms a unit with the chassis that makes it seem alien and industrial at the same time this car it is a machine that seems to be ready for conflict the most important argument about this event was how difficult it is to get comfort from this car can resist an aggression but it is not any type of aggression is not ready to go against the climate of the nature, of water, adventure is about intentional aggressions of humans is the resistance to revolver bullets to know if it is resistant against a mallet and this sales presentation has reached such a point that they make theatrical demonstrations somewhat awkwardly aggressive


But it is still strange, what went wrong was the intention I wonder what was the context in which a person would need a batmobile that is of no use to make real-life utilities besides talking about those small strengths that only serve to separate the rich from people in rebellion.

I think it has a slightly more superficial but much more likely meaning for all this theater and this is perhaps a hyper masculinized symbolic this excess of masculine strength shows the intention of marketing but my hypothesis is another I understand that there is a criticism about understanding that if we continue using fossil fuels as a primary energy source we will end up falling into this post apocalyptic world referred to so that the whole event shows us this car as an oasis in this world of pollution and oil giving us as the only option a sustainable electric car something It is much more than an aggressive force that shows incredible virility because after all when you drive a safe tank you feel like the year of the fucking world, the key is to connect this idea to a sustainable sensitivity with nature.


Let's be honest when listening to the idea of ​​driving electric cars to the majority, it only comes to mind that this is a homosexuality where carbon dioxide and my horsepower is a preconceived idea that is deeply embedded in people's minds. .

Maybe one day this concept can be changed but for now it is simply impossible, we cannot ignore the fact that this traveling block came out of the same head that invented the returnable rockets of


spacex that promises to take us into space in the future a step towards the evolution of humanity and if we think about it all the projects of elon musk are interconnected maybe this car has no place on our planet but maybe if in the endless journey of man through the cosmos I have to say that Elon is a boy at least notable good or bad this billionaire points out all this inequality of the systematic and structural products of mass companies being instead the director of a wonderful industry where only with a few people who At the same time they work on two causes that are very desirable for us in the search for cleaner energy that we do not have to worry about, it is natural that a strange truck has left the same mind that will be speaking for us in the future and that aims to take us to Mars before 2030 that sounds like a great idea maybe it's something ahead of its time of what all the m undo makes fun but I like this idea of ​​cybertruck this collection of doubtful motivating design of this aesthetics of a few polygons a bit of the geometry of the Playstation 1 and it is more than that, it is the connection with an incredibly violent industrial world that is not stops if you run over a deer on the highway is mostly a future bet on energy and electric locomotion even in a strange but effective way that is above the appeal


A symbolic future born in the company of spacex
In spite of all the failures, I think that finally doing well is not so far away, but all this firework is a little unjustified madness, it is a promise of a possible, more attractive and therefore more conceivable future in the way we think our technological advances and the way to consume energy. that we intend for the future of humanity maybe you and I find ourselves in the traffic driven a car like this is the armored and ugly vehicle that people will begin to need to be able to exist in this world of contradictions, shock and revolt in constant protest Because of the social and economic inequality that exists, it will always continue.

There is still a dystopian world conveniently close if we don't stop to put our conscience to work and think if we really want a world with a shortage of oil and long lines at the gas stations

Leave in the comments what did you like Cybertruck and I thought it was just a delirium of a boy full of money.

The video has come to an end but in the future there will be more like this full of nostalgia and vaporwave if you liked it do not forget to subscribe to this small but very special community without saying more I am Max and we will see you soon