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RE: Energy Independence

in #technology6 years ago

That's great! I'm glad to hear that this type of thing is being done. Once the investment in new clean energy technologies is done, I think efficiencies in all kinds of things will go up. Greater efficiencies should translate into more time to do the things you want and less time to do the things you don't. (So long as you retain some self autonomy in your financial dealings.)

Clean fusion, room temperature super conductivity and advanced nano-technology has always been the subject of my wet dreams, lol. We can hope that people will use them for the benefit of everyone if they are developed.

However, decentralized systems that build cooperation could be a better method of creating abundance for more people until we learn how better to play peacefully together. Centralized fusion power generation still keeps the control in monopoly type hands who many not like the thought of reducing the marginal cost of energy to near zero.