Science fiction magic is coming to the first

in #technology6 years ago

There is a factory area for manufacturing artificial adobe in the eastern suburbs of North Latitude. Since the days of the Tianyuan people building the first enchanted city in space, this artificial adobe has become an indispensable basic industry in Jiejie City. In the early days, the daily roar of the machine continued. Later, because the area of ​​the northern latitude enchantment city was close to the largest range of protection enchantment, and no large amount of artificial adobe was needed, the area gradually became depressed and degraded. Compared with other parts of Jiejie City, it is desolate. An empty factory area is scattered all over the place with a large number of discarded and damaged artificial diamond plates. The horizontal and vertical pointing to the sparkling planet in space seems to be telling the past busy and noisy.

Sixty-seven sly men carrying a glamorous woman walked through a pile of building steel. A fine man walking by the woman couldn't help but grab a woman's straight chest, and smiled at her face: "I haven't touched such a great girl for a long time, or I am lucky with the boss, or else, let's Come here first?"

A black-faced man in front of him smiled and said: "You are in a hurry, waiting for the place, you want to kill yourself without anybody." He said he looked back at the name. The woman who was plucked by her, her delicate face could not see a trace of panic, but the expression was a bit dull, perhaps it was scared to some souls. Otherwise, there is a problem with the brain. Otherwise, how can a single woman sway in this area? The most unfortunate thing is that she is actually a dumb. I think it would be very regrettable to think that there will be less noise.

A group of people walked to an open space with a dilapidated building in front. They speeded up their steps and suddenly saw a flower in front of them. The center of the building in front of the building did not know when a man dressed in black was wearing a black mask. He wore a half-moon mask and the eyes outside the mask shimmered with red light. The red head, flying in the air, is like a burning fire.

  The people unconsciously stopped and looked at the man with vigilance. The black-faced man glanced around and asked, "Who are you?"

  "Leave her, you roll." The black man pointed his finger at the glamorous woman with black gloves and his voice was cold.

   The savvy man is willing to take a step forward and screams: "What are you, don't look at who's the site, dare to call... oh..." He didn't finish talking, the left calf suddenly came from The knee was broken and a lot of blood spattered. He fell to the ground and painfully groaned at the broken limb, wailing.

  Everyone suddenly changed his face. They didn’t even see what made the strong man hurt. He turned his head and there was a silvery item shining around the black man. The man’s flashing red light was even more strange. stand up.

A group of people grabbed the weapon and panicked at the leading black-faced man. They didn't realize that the woman who had been steadfast had moved uncomfortably, and her mouth was inexplicably snoring.

The black-faced man suddenly thought of something, his face became gray, and he immediately lowered his head, no longer dare to look at the bloody red eyes hidden in the mask by the silver man, he whispered: "He is hunting Killer, let's go."

Others who heard this, the heart could not help but tighten, and quickly picked up the strong man who was still calling, and the glamorous woman who dared to stay in the side disappeared into the scrap steel pile.

As the wailing sound disappeared, the more delicate the woman, the more frequent the snoring. She subconsciously stepped back a few steps, but hesitated and stopped

The man in black has a thoughtful look: "I can't think of the low-level Warcraft intelligence evolved so fast, and began to know how to lure humans with female color, and the split also began to have the consciousness of running away, yes. I will help Help you." He walked slowly two steps forward, and the murderous murderousness spread out from the body, forcing the delicate woman to subconsciously step back.

The man in black smiled and whispered: "Escape, flee to your mother of Warcraft, I have been looking for it for a long time."

The delicate woman suddenly turned her side, her expression was like listening carefully, and when she turned her head, her face was distorted. She waved her arm and screamed and rushed to the black man.

The man in black sighed slightly, his wrist flicked, and the silver object that was rotating around him instantly accelerated and shot at the woman. In the middle of her eyebrows, she passed behind her head. The woman’s huge force was brought down, and she fell to the ground and struggled to wiggle.

The silver item whizzed back to the black man's hand. It turned out to be a silver double-knife knife with a white brain. The black man's gloves slowly turned red, and the group burned like a flame without a real flame, and the smudges of the knife were steamed.

The flirtatious woman’s belly began to grow strangely, becoming bigger and bigger, and getting more and more drums. The belly could no longer be supported, and the bang banged out from the navel. From the inside, a liquid-like thing flowed out. It was inconspicuous and changed into various forms. After it fell to the ground, it twisted into a whole group. I suddenly sneaked into the black man.

The black man’s left hand trembled, the group of flames flew out, covering the liquid monster on the face, burning it and screaming, when the man approached the black man, the liquid monster finally could not support, fell on The black man’s feet were turned into a group of ashes. A gust of wind blew out, revealing a black crystal.

The black man retracted his left hand and the black crystals of the ground were sucked into his hands. He looked down and said to himself: "It is already the 21st crystal, and the Warcraft mother should show up to add a new avatar."

He looked up into the air, and the red light flashing in his eyes was brighter.

The sun of the artificial natural system of Jiejie City has disappeared, and the sky is gradually dimmed. The man-made monsoon sizzled in the old steel pile, and an enchanted city guard patrol ship slowly flew over the distant sky...

   Montero is located on the fifth avenue of the North Latitude City. Although its location and business area are not the best and largest in the same industry, but in the recent period, it suddenly became famous. The reason is that a new bartender here will actually make a famous cocktail of the Earth era. Those who want to taste the cocktails that only appear in the legends naturally flock.

At the entrance of the winery, a number of different windmills were parked at the landing platform, which attracted the attention and onlookers of many passers-by. As the era of the Tianyuan jiejie city, the human transportation is basically based on the typhoon rental and big passengers of the transportation company under the federal government. Only a few people can afford to buy a private car. It is not only expensive but also a symbol of identity. This also promoted the wine from the side.

Han Hui, the owner of the wine, is now full of customers, both excited and helpless. Because the bartender has not come to work yet. Some customers who have been waiting for a long time have started to complain. He didn't dare to offend the guests who were driving the windmill. In case one of the big thunders, his wine would not be able to keep it. He had to accompany his smiling face with a diligent attitude, and he directed the women who were exposed to the hospitality.

 Music machine pets sang the most popular songs at the wine band. The fluffy long-eared rabbit licked his fluffy ears and swayed the electric guitar in his hand. The blue cat frantically beat the drums, and the slender blue tail swayed with the rhythm, an orange The little voles are coming and going. If you don’t look at it, you don’t have to imitate the big stars to sing popular songs. It’s this little machine voles!

 “Hey!” With the bell hanging from the door of the store, the store door was pushed open, and a long, elegant figure set off the excitement of the wine.

 Han Hui breathed a sigh of relief and finally came. The women who were blamed by the customers were also excited to tell them that the bartender had arrived.

    The guests began to turn their heads to look at the newly arrived bartenders, many of them even with some critical eyes.

Zhao Heng’s head was slightly messy, with a pair of glasses and a silver cross stud earring in his right ear. The eyebrow eyebrows, the straight nose, the expression is a bit lazy, but it makes people feel uncomfortable. He just walked into Taiwan. I heard the boss Han Hui’s helpless complaint: “If you don’t come again, I’m afraid this is a small shop. My brother, can you let me spend less than a few days like this?”

"Isn't this not awkward? If you want to make money, you have to have a snack, which is good for your weight loss." Zhao Heng looked at the customer's cocktail list from the fluorescent display of Taiwan and comforted the obese boss.

 "I'm afraid that my weight has not come down, but I have a heart problem. If you can prepare for work every day, I will give you processing resources, or..." Han Hui bit his teeth: "Or I give you some shares of wine?"

"Boss, you seem to have forgotten, I began to make it clear that I was only in the enchantment city for a while, and I will leave when I finished the matter." Zhao Heng began to shake the bartender.

    Han Hui sighed and seemed to be destined to continue the red wine. He carefully stared at Zhao Heng's move to make every cocktail, but he also understood that it was useless. Because he has detailed the steps in detail, but privately he can't make the same taste, which makes him very confused.