Free energy inventor series - Dr. John V. Milewski : "SuperLight" travels at the speed of light squared!

Dr. John V. Milewski

John V. Milewski, Ph.D, P Eng is an Internationally recognized leader and consultant in his field of Advanced Materials. He is a professional engineer, scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, writer, publisher, editor and lecturer. He is a retired staff member of Los Alamos National Labs and has worked previously as a scientific staff member at Exxon Research Center and at Thiokol Chemical Rocket Engine Div. He recently founded his own research company called Superkinetic, Inc. where he is currently working on a revolutionary new electric light bulb based on using a single crystal fiber as a filament.

John is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame in Chemical Engineering (1951), Stevens Institute of Technology with an MS in Metallurgy (1959), and earned his Ph.D. in Ceramic Engineering fromRutgers University (1973). He holds 30 patents and has over 42 publications and has edited 4 books in his field.

John is also known for inventing a way to transmutate materials like to glass to gold, which is a future topic we will explore further alongside other disclosed methods.

Superlight & Magneticity

SuperLight is magnetic light; it is magneto–electric radiation. Regular light is electric light or electro–magnetic radiation. 

"SuperLight" travels at the speed of light squared !   1020 meters per second,   or 10 billion times faster than light.It has a frequency 10 billion times higher, and has a corresponding, shorter wavelength. 

There is parity or symmetry the Universe, everything has an equal and opposite mirror–image counterpart, the Ying and the Yang, right and left, matter and anti matter, the electron and the positron. 

SuperLight is the unseen force in nature that has been ignored by science but real to the mystics and metaphysicians for thousands of years.

It has been given different names by different cultures for thousands of years.A Nuous, Chi, Biomagnetic Energy, Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Energy, Tesler's Free Earth Energy, Animal Magnetism, Space Energy, Vacuum Energy, and Zero Point Energy, etc.

Those who have subtle perception know it is real. SuperLight was identified scientifically over 100 years ago when James Clerk Maxwell solved his famous wave equation. This occurred shortly after radio was invented by Nikola Tesla, and theoretical physicists tried to find a mathematical model to explain radio waves.

When using positive numbers in Maxwell's Equations this explains radio waves and also all forms of electro–magnetic radiation such as light, radio, TV, microwaves, x–rays, etc.

What his equation also explains 100 years ago was SuperLight but because it was the solution that comes from the use of negative numbers, "this second solution" was ignored for over 100 years. Remember when you were taught algebra and were told to ignore imaginary numbers (e.g. The square root of –1) because they have no meaning in this world. Well, times have changed and now we have a very valid second solution to Maxwell's equation and it is SuperLight.

In the mid 70's a scientist, Dr. William Tiller, at Stanford University took another look at Maxwell's equation and asked; "What does this second solution explain when interpreted in our world.

To understand this second solution, we must first review what the first or positive solution explains. The first solution is as follows: Radio waves leave the antenna and radiate out into space from a point source (the antenna) equally in all directions into space toward infinity traveling at the speed of light.

The wave is composed of a large electrical component and a small magnetic component 90 degrees to the electrical component. Thus named, electro–magnetic radiation.The second solution describes a particle wave of just the opposite structure. It explains that from infinity traveling toward the point source from all directions radiates SuperLight.

This new radiation is composed of a large magnetic component and a small electrical component, thus the name, magneto–electric radiation.

It therefore has a higher energy density.The question one asks immediately is, "if it is so powerful, how come we do not feel it, or how come it is not detected scientifically?"  

Well, the frequency is so high, its wave length so short, (4 x 10–8 nano–meters, or 4 x 10–17 meters), its velocity so fast, that it goes through everything as though the substance was nearly completely transparent (like glass).

We can say the higher frequency is completely penetrating like x–rays, but even more so.


Dr. John V. Milewski's Magnetricity

Far-Infrared, SuperLight and Beyond