Hello World!

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

My 2¢

I was checking out the trending posts, and saw @MadBitcoins post on how he made $14K on a post that is still making him money. I hope this post will earn at least the 2¢ I'm giving you, although I have my doubts. I think I'll be lucky to make half that much, we'll see what happens.

I Love Technology

I've been fascinated and impressed by technology all my 42 and a half years of life. Even having studied computer engineering in undergrad, computers and technology never cease to amaze me. If 20 years ago you would have told me I would be the happy owner of an electric car powered by Linux, I wouldn't have believed you. Yet, here I am!

Some Blogging I've Done

I've been blogging (on-and-off, mostly off) for quite some time, having written on my own "self-titled" blog GeekLad, and I also wrote for a tech blog called MakeUseOf for a while too. More recently, I've written some Tesla related guest blog posts for Green Car Reports and EVANNEX. Some time ago, I even wrote up a post for Popular Science.

I'm no stranger to blogging, so I figure I'll give Steemit a go and see what comes of it. The biggest challenge for me with Blogging has always been to maintain some sort of consistency and regularity with posting articles. Don't blame me if I don't keep up with Steemit, although I'll be entirely to blame.

My Latest Project

For my most recent project, I partnered with EVANNEX, a family-owned Tesla aftermarket company based here in Florida to help me market the product. I met the EVANNEX guys in a Tesla meetup, and became fast friends. Roger, Matt, and Mike Pressman are tops, and EVANNEX been a superb business partner.

My latest project is Radar Alerts, a police radar warning system for Tesla vehicles, and it has probably been my most successful project to date. Since the late 90s, I've always had a strong desire to earn a living online, and Radar Alerts is the latest attempt. Unfortunately, I haven't quit my day job, but it's been bringing some beer money.

Radar Alerts


Crypto is another big interest of mine as of late. I've been mining altcoins for a about a year, using services like NiceHash, Mining Pool Hub, and Mining Rig Rentals. Again, it hasn't brought me a great fortune and hasn't afforded me to quit my day job, but it's a bit more beer money.

Final Thoughts

My hope is that some day I'll get to a point where I'm earning enough "beer money" that it will transform to "mortgage, car payment, insurance, food, college, vacation money". It's been a very long journey to date and I'm sure the road is probably that much longer still. I may never even reach the end of the road, and I'd say it's more likely I don't.

In any case, perhaps it's time I start to at least document the journey, and maybe someone out there will find it interesting enough to give it a read.

Thanks for stopping by!


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