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RE: Does your smartphone create 'brain drain' just by being around you?

in #technology7 years ago

I always try to remove my phone from every experience when I'm on vacation for the reasons you listed above. I honestly never wanted a smart phone (because I knew it would be highly addicting and remove my focus from more important tasks).

My first smart phone was issued by my employer (there were no "flip phone" options anymore). I found myself frequently searching the internet while I was away from a computer; checking sports scores, looking at the news, avoiding doing work...

I feel that younger generations are losing out on building interpersonal relationship skills because of how integrated smart phones (and tablets) have become in their lives. All they care about is sharing personal accomplishments on frequently single-player games. That's not actually sharing an experience..

I hope that my generation (those of us in our 30s who grew up without a cell phone / smart phone in their hands) will teach the next generation how to properly balance their real life and their digital life. Because there is no doubt that the current generation NEEDS to be involved in social media in order to keep up with society, but the extent in which they need to be involved can be significantly decreased from what I'm seeing as the current standards.

Great article again! Thanks!


I found myself frequently searching the internet while I was away from a computer; checking sports scores, looking at the news, avoiding doing work...

Yeah, it's so addictive. I think it's just whatever is more interesting, more appealing to our interests. Work isn't as appealing lol.

How does one compete with quick access attention grabbing stuff? Keeping the mind occupied is enticing.

Thanks for the great feedback :)

I just got a brilliant idea (or at least I think so haha) ... Wouldn't it be great for the world if we had a month where no one could use their smart phone for anything outside of making a phone call!?

It would be interesting to track how much productivity would increase across the globe if it actually happened :)

Disable all wifi and mobile data? Seems impossible lol, but interesting idea. People would have to find something else to do hehe. Thanks for the feedback.