Catan's New Edition Still Wants To Be Your Gateway To Tabletop Gaming

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2025 marks the 30th anniversary of Catan, and the tabletop game is set to get its sixth edition this April. This is the first update to the settler-oriented multiplayer board game in about a decade, with the fifth edition--the version that transformed the name of the game from The Settlers of Catan to just Catan--releasing in June 2015. As the game celebrates its 30th birthday, the designers are hoping to maintain the game's place as a major go-to onramp for people discovering the joy of playing tabletop games.

"How do you keep an old game relevant even after 30 years, right? Especially when gaming has developed," managing director and game designer Benjamin Teuber told me. "The hobby continues to develop and grow, and there are so many great games. Every year, I have three new favorite games, and next year there [will be] three more and that's awesome, that's beautiful. But there is apparently still something to Catan because we still have very good sales numbers. ...There are always new people joining this hobby, and Catan still seems to be the entry level product, [the game] for many to find."

The artwork for Catan Sixth Edition is far more vibrant than previous editions.The artwork for Catan Sixth Edition is far more vibrant than previous editions.

For Teuber, it doesn't matter that Catan is 30 years old. Even if many who tried the game and loved it may eventually move on to more complex or niche tabletop systems, Catan is going to keep being a new experience for someone. Teuber told me a story about how Village Romance developer Michael Palm recently messaged him about playing Catan with his kid, who screamed, "Klaus Teuber is the coolest game developer!" during the game (Klaus is Benjamin's father and the creator of Catan).

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