Government-Sponsored Surveillance Project Seeks To Monitor Brain Waves Of Workers

Employers in China are giving their workers headgear that's equipped with EEG sensors that can monitor their brain waves.

The employees that are taking part in the project are working on high-speed trains, on production lines in factories, and in the military; according to a recent report from the South China Morning Post. The surveillance project technology is alleged to be the result of a government-sponsored project and the data that gets collected is going to be sorted through and ideally going to help uncover signs of anxiety, depression, or anger.

According to the companies that have adopted the program, they say that they are using the data to help them adjust their production approach and to improve workflow efficiency.

The hats or helmets etc are able to monitor the brainwaves of the person wearing the device and the data that is collected is then sent to computers that use AI to detect any sign of depression or anxiety etc. The employer is then going to respond by adjusting the position of that individual, which could mean moving them to another area or giving them a break etc.

The technology has been used by a growing number of employers for several years now, with people who work in the area of public transport, the military, in state-owned companies in China, on production lines in factories, and other areas, having their brainwaves monitored while on the job.

It's alleged that this technology is already being used in dozens of different businesses and factories.

Those who have adopted the technology have suggested that they've seen the benefits firsthand and claim that it can help to boost productivity and efficiency. Though not everyone agrees and some are skeptical of the reliability of the results from this sort of EEG headgear technology.

For some who've already used the technology they have admitted that workers at first were nervous about trying the technology and they assumed that it would be able to read their mind. Over time however, they came to embrace it and now many are wearing it all day while at work.

Would you want your brainwaves monitored while at work?

We may live with some expectation of privacy while at home but we cannot enter the workplace with the same expectation, can we? And laws which supposedly protect that privacy are not absolute.

We have seen employers come out with a variety of controversial technology adoptions, whether it's making their workers scan their face, their fingers, or have their brainwaves monitored and it's said to be done for work-related purposes. Similar to how some companies will hire private security, or use drones, install security cameras etc, to keep an eye on workers and possibly boost overall workplace efficiency and productivity. But having people put on helmets that monitor their brain all day long might be a bit much, especially if the results are less than highly reliable.

We can only wonder whether or not this program might have come about if it weren't for all of the government funding trying to push it forward to full realization.




You can expect the worst when you see the words 'government-sponsored', 'brain waves', and 'sensors' in one sentence and/or paragraph.


I wonder if a good thick layer of aluminum foil under the hat can solve this problem. Gosh, even Orwell didn't quite see this one coming. China...figures. I'm sure it won't take our western technocrats long to "get onboard" though, also...

Shit's getting scary... Social ranking, employers monitoring brianwaves. You can be sure all this will find it's way to the rest of the world soon enough... Privacy and individual rights are being ripped away faster and faster...

That's an interestimg nugget of information. It's probably being piloted around Shenzhen area. That is where all the technocracy stuff is beong tested and perfected.

In principle I'm against it because I know where this leads to. In China, living here and seeing the conditions people work in, I think it's not the most draconian thing there is.

It should be voluntarily however. Probably isn't.
I think workers who work in dangerous environments should be able to give consent to this, and if the helmet says they are stressed and depressed, they should be given rest with full compensation/benefits.

In principle I'm against it, especially if it's mandatory to work. However I can't deny that China desperately has a need for this.

Health and safety are not what they should be here. People die from exhaustion, pollution and contamination/poisoning all the time here

If the technology can be shown to save lives, I think workers should be able to give consent to it. If it means you get days off with pay, and you avoid serious health problems, I think there's a case to be made.

Seriously, people here work 14 hour shifts in very dangerous work conditions. This would definitely be the cheapest and probably most efficient way to protect workers here.

Just saying as somebody who finds the whole concept incredibly creepy and concerning, the logic behind it is very valid.

This would save lives.

I'm sure our Western ancestors working 14 hours shifts in dangerous manufactories would have marvelled at the concept.

Has to be voluntary though.

No brain chipping either lol

this is the beginning of a slippery slope. dangerous.

OMG, you keep coming up with the scariest shit. Governments & business could consider asking people if they're depressed or anxious or for ideas to improve the workplace... Maybe let them form unions and vote and stuff... but Noooooo we need the read their minds and hand the data to an AI for analysis and control. It's all about control... Edit: it might be interesting to tally up the comments for and against. Seems to be almost 50-50 at the moment!

Wow crazy! This is like security cameras on steroids! You should check out the new Clive Owen movie on Netflix called Anon. So timely!

Thank you for support @doitvoluntarily) I wish you a wonderful day)

A very interesting article to read. Thanks for sharing @doitvoluntarily.