3D Printing Is Going To Revolutionize Healthcare

If you were in need of an organ transplant, would you be open to accepting one that had been 3D-printed?
The hope is that one day, the bioprinting market will grow to the point of having researchers be able to use 3D printing technology to create kidneys, hearts, and livers. And they suspect that it could help to greatly impact the world's organ shortage.

Organ shortages are estimated to result in the deaths of at least 20 people every single day because they can't get the organ that they need.
The ability to use the printer to create a whole organ is still in the works, though researchers suspect that it could only be a few short years away before they are able to make that become a reality.
And one of the companies that is working in this space, Organovo, has established a bioprinting process that includes using cells that come from a donated blood sample, and it has turned them into printable ink.
By doing this, the printer is able to print layers of cells in a calculated design.
Some researchers think that perhaps learning to try and regenerate an organ inside of the body, might be a better option than trying to grow one in a dish or have it printed. This, they say, is because the liver has its own regenerative properties and they think that the key is to restore the organ's own regenerative capacity instead of trying to print it somewhere else. According to Prof. Stuart Forbes, from the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine, the two different approaches might need to eventually try and work together.
Eventually, this technology could be used to help save and better many lives.
Cellink via Guardian
via Organ India
The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.
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Give a whole new relevance for the term computer virus.
never ceases to amaze the human mind, as they are taking everything to a second level, it is incredible that we can achieve organs with a 3d printer.
if place to doubts a great advance for the human health and a way to diminish the deaths to obtain the organs.
coincidentally, today in Argentina, a group of delinquents stole organs from the sick in hospitals.
thank you very much dear friend @doitvoluntarily for sharing this information
I wish you a great day
isn't it crazy? what will they think of next! thanks for stopping by jlufer!
That is a intresting subject. Next thing you know they be 3d printing an embryo. Its some real frankenstein things going on. Cloning printing. Regenarating. Thanks for sharing this info.
hah! wouldn't that be something!
The future is here!!! Cryptos, 3D organs... what a great time to be alive 😊
and underground houses
you can say that again !:)
I remember thinking about what else this technology could be used for the first time I read about it. Things more useful than whistles and mini Raj and Howards (Big Bang Theory).
New limbs was the first thing to cross my mind.
The technology has come a long way. It’s great this could be used eventually to make real deal organs, and other malice saving medical objects.
Our future certainly looks exciting from every perspective.
Recently I made a little dialogue in which I discussed the possible implications of bionic parts for our bodies in the future.
3D printing is certainly a step in the right direction, and I cannot wait to see a proper market of good 3D printed organs. Every person who is addicted to smoking for example, could suddenly get new and healthy lungs without the need to wait for another person to die and donate his/her lungs.
The future is coming faster than we realize and it is better than science fiction :D.
I had never heard of such a thing... it's incredible. What a world we will have in a few years... if we survive!
What r you saying man, can this would be possible. I still can't believe it. With the help of 3D printing technology one day we can create kidneys, hearts, and livers.
Technology is doing better and better things , and this is going to be a crazy advancement and also how 3D printers can create figures itself is amazing
3D is great invention in the world....day by day technology up to now...so 3d printing is nice technology in modern age......