dTube: Mark Zuckerberg's Congressional Hearing Was a Joke

in #technology6 years ago

Mark Zuckerberg's Congressional Hearing Was a Joke

After the Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress in hearings that ended up being a total joke as a result of filibustering, Luddite questions, and an overly restrictive format

What did you think of the testimony?

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I was very disappointed with congress's knowledge of technology. They didn't ask the right questions, and kept accusing Zuck of selling data... which he doesn't really do.

What most fail to grasp is, once a 3rd party has your data.. it is literally impossible to "get it back" or "make them delete it". I don't understand how forensic audits work either- files are fungible... just because a company's computers doesn't have something doesn't mean there aren't copies. America needed to hear the uncomfortable truth: a TON of data about you is out there, more than you could imagine... and you can't do anything about it.

I wish they asked more about psychographic profiles, or how effective political targetting was, or why Trump had 5.2million approved facebook ads, 90 times more than Hillary's 66,000....

Yeah, it was embarrassing quite frankly

"kept accusing Zuck of selling data... which he doesn't really do". What do you mean? Facebook's core business is to sell data and show ads based on collected personal data. Without doing something with the gathered data, they couldn't survive. The question is how they will change their strategy in order to comply to grey zones of law (which still is morally doubtful if you ask me).

Someone should have asked him if he would consider an opt in to data tracking, instead of an opt out. That would make his view on privacy much more obvious. Mark kept insisting that it's easy for people to opt out, but it's mostly older people that use Facebook, and these are the people that probably don't have a clue what internet tracking is, so Facebook takes advantage of these people.

Facebook is a sinking ship. Mark Zuckerberg literally sat on a booster seat during his testimony. He is not even under oath and was asked the most ridiculous soft ball questions. 2018 will be an amazing year for alternative platforms.

I am curious myself to see if you will be proven correct

Doesn't help they tried to buy off the committee. Something about contributions to 85% of the committee?

Yes indeed

Of course they don't know technology. You're right that they shouldn't have been the ones asking him questions and it was the wrong format. That type of hearing is more towards trying to ensure each representative gets their questions asked, rather than trying to route out the truth.

We did learn that Mark Zuckerburg doesn't seem to have anything to do with Facebook's daily operations though, or he was outright lying. He claimed ignorance of various things that he should know as CEO, including Facebook's cross-site tracking.

I don't really see the point of these hearing TBH, but they are a novelty. We get to see his responses to various stupid questions about Facebook and the various shit they pull.

Yeah, certainly I don't think that anything specific was LEARNED through the hearings

Verry nice post big thumbs up and a resteem from my side for hard work and dedication.

Zuckerberg stole the concept of Facebook...how can anyone be surprised that their information was stolen. It's certainly not the worst thing that Facebook has perpetrated.

"Researchers from Facebook and Cornell University teamed up to study 'emotional contagion'. Over a one-week period in 2012, they changed the content of news feeds for a random sample of Facebook users. For one group of users they removed content that contained positive words, for another group they removed content that contained negative words. They then measured whether subtly biasing the emotional content in this way changed the emotional content of status updates by the users. Sure enough it did. Making feeds more negative led to more negative behaviour, and vice versa."


Really good awareness post, keep them coming

Cambridge analytica even used Mark Zuckerberg's own info... funny

i saw the first time how he inteview live ...he is a good speeker as he is a great CEO #facebook