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RE: If You Want Jobs, Take Away Their Shovels and Give Them Spoons

in #technology8 years ago

Looking back over 60+ years of at times chaotic life, my observation would be that forced change is often quite beneficial. The trick is for the change-ee to respond with a constructive attitude. Perhaps that person will realize that being mortgaged was a bad idea to begin with. Perhaps they'll take action to implement a latent idea. Perhaps they'll find a much better "job."

"Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge, but time and chance happen to them all." - Ecclesiastes 9:11

The more positively we respond to "time and chance," the better off we are. ;)


I gotta say I agree with this. I was making six-figures in some important-sounding job in San Diego for a decade. One day I was laid off. Kinda out of the blue, there had been previous layoffs but I was always too critical over the years. I was tore up for a minute. Then I took a step back, thought about things. I spent a few months traveling then ended up moving to Sweden. I have a great job now, a kid, a new citizenship, my life ended up much happier and fuller. I don't make as much money as before but somehow I'm happier which is to me more valuable

"In some important-sounding job" haha

That's great that you found yourself a more fulfilling life.

Hi, @seanmeeh42, and thanks for "weighing in" on this interesting topic.

My cousin moved to Sweden when he was in his teens, married there and has lived there all his life... And yes, happiness in your life and work is far more valuable than lots of $$$! ;)

I believe it's possible to turn most "negative" events into something beneficial if you have the right attitude.