Technology a distraction to learning?

in #technology8 years ago


We all know what technology had brought to our advancement. In every positive reaction there is always a negative or equal reaction.

This topic is just timely we are currently finalizing grades for our students and there is a gradual change from focused and distracted students. Technology such as computer, laptop, printer, smartphone and internet helped students to research and submit subject requirements like assignments, projects, research and further studies. These students are being guided by websites and online tutorials when they are having challenges with their studies.

From these positive effect it also has it's negative effects. The students are also being distracted with online activities such as social media and other non learning applications/programs. They are not using the technology for educational purposes.

From my experience, I encountered students cutting classes and going out of school just to play online games. The big distraction as of the moment are MOBA games (Multi-player Online Battle Arena), I play these games back in college but I play the game after school. Unfortunately, students nowadays are easily attracted since social media plays the role of bringing the trend and to communicate with bad influences.

I don't want to pull down technology as a tool for education and other activities since I am using technology in teaching. There was a mandate by the government to stop students from entering computer shop or internet cafe during school hours but currently, there are no personnel assigned to check if this is being strictly followed. Here in the city where there are a lot of computer shops and internet cafes popping up like mushroom and this has been the great influence to students seeking to have a place to rest and to belong to a group. However, they are being influenced negatively.

What can parents do to guide their child to focus on studying? Decrease allowance? Give them enough money only for fare and give them lunchbox instead of lunch money?

As a teacher, I consider myself ineffective if the students are out playing instead of listening to your class. I always make sure that they will have fun learning my lesson and not get bored. I integrate my lesson with online learning and encouragingly fun activities.

Maybe the one reading now is one of my student or has been my student so listen carefully. "maybe you're enjoying the moment, playing games and enjoying the feeling like an irresponsible student, if your future grades are affected by what you're doing now, STOP IT or else at the end you'll be blaming yourself of what you have done." I have friends who were in this position and they wasted their time repeating the same grade/year level. We may say it is not how fast you graduate but the grades play an important role when you apply.

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