How to create Virtual Memory for windows PC

in #technology8 years ago


Virtual RAM concept for Windows 7, 8 and 10
• Firstly, insert your Pendrive into PC or Laptop.
• Then you have to right button click on My Computer from Desktop.
• Now click on “ Properties” .
• When you click on Properties, it will open a new window.
• Then just click on “ Advance system settings” from the left sidebar.
• After clicking Advance system settings, it will open new window >> System properties.
• Click “ Advance tab” >> then just click Performance >> “ Settings” .
• Again it will open new window >> Performance Option.
• Now, just click on “ Advanced” tab.
• Now you will see a Virtual Memory option >> Now just click on “ Change ” button.
• It will show you again new window >> Virtual Memory.
• Then, you need to uncheck the box “ Automatically manage paging size for all drives ”
• Now, you select your pen drive and next select in “ Custom size ”. Then add your pen drive value current same in below format.
• You must leave 30MB to 50MB minimum free space from the original space of pen drive.
• If you use to keep some free space in your Pen-drive, your device is always safety.
• Then you enter to fill up the same value in “ Initial size ” and “ Maximum size ”.
• Finally, click on “ Ok ” button.
Now, you need to restart your PC or Laptop and your pen drive will work as Virtual RAM. This system is the very effortless way to use pen drive as ram.
Note: If you want to get your pen drive normal, you need to go again virtual settings options and remove the custom memory value. You must check to choose default setting “Automatically manage paging size for all drives ”.
