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RE: ADSactly Tech News - A New Era of Ride Hailing, Mobile Convenience Stores and Information Age Accessibility

in #technology6 years ago

These new companies are disruptive indeed and in my opinion if the carpooling from Lyft works as planned they'll easily overtake Uber. As for what I think about autonomous cars, I'm on the fence. Because althoughI'm not a "car person" I fear we're starting to rely to much on AIs and I've seen too many futuristic movies to ignore where it all leads. lol But like you said, these technologies are happening and whether we like them or not so might as well get informed about them and if possible make some $ from them. Unfortunately I haven't any of those services, so far haven't seen any of them in country(Rwanda) but Grab&Go is the one I'd love to try out the most, sounds intriguing.

Cheers for the very educational article :)


I too have fears about them now but give vehicle AI (and the IOT) some time to mature. If you compare deaths by miles driven, death by autonomous vehicles are far lower than by human error. In a couple years it won't be comparible.

True, until a whole company has been hacked, and cars go haywire. lol Like I said, too many movies. But in all seriousness we ll have to stay informed and on top of them because they're already offering so many needed services and at much lower prices. Good for reducing greenhouses too.

Cheers for your comment and I wish you a blessed weekend :)

Lyft is great, their carpooling strategy has a leg-up on Uber! AI controlled cars scare me but so do drunk drivers... It also scares me what AI controlled cars might do to this whole employment sector. We have very little power over how this technology will be implemented so lets just try to stay on top of it for now! Technology takes a bit of time to make its way to developing countries but if it saves money, it will arrive eventually! Thanks for your opinions on these things!

True a lot of workers will probably lose their jobs and it is scary but, I think many might find something else to do in the same industry. There is a recent video I saw on Yt where Elon Musk said "humans are underrated" and that its because they relied too much on machines to make their cars, that they are still not producing enough Tesla 3s. So lets hope for the best for those workers :)

And for sure once these services get to my country I'll make sure to among the firsts to try it. Have a blessed weekend :)