5G - The number one threat to humanity right now and what you can do about it

Times are changing, people are starting to talk about this stuff, and if you are interested in keeping your family safe from the multitude of environmental pollutants out there, you can check out the Healing Chronic Illness in a Toxic World: A Paradigm Shift in Medicine: Your Environment Matters conference in Staunton, Virginia this year on October 27. There are going to be some super smart people there.

If you register now it's only $195 with discount code: THRIVE (offer ends August 15, 2018). You can find out more here

Perhaps you have heard of 5G? I still believe it to be the number one danger to our planet at this time. Please look into it, spread the word and we can stop this madness together. Here's an excerpt from this article

"Once it’s installed in your neighborhood, you won’t have a choice to opt out of 5G exposure. In an open letter to medical organizations by the Global Union Against Radiation Deployment From Space (GUARDS), an international coalition against global WiFi from space, “flooding the planet with microwave radiation” in this way is described as a violation of human rights, “including the U.N. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, several sections of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child, international human rights as set out per articles 3 and 25 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and all basic precepts of ethics.” GUARDS continued:

“Space-based microwave radiation deployments threaten to inundate the planet with RF radiation without informed individual consent or a meaningful option for individual avoidance.

Since wireless transmitters in the upper atmosphere will add to proliferating wireless technologies on the ground (such as wireless utility metering systems and all transmitting antenna components of wireless network equipment and devices), additional dramatic increases in pulse-modulated microwave radiation levels would be anticipated.

… Pulse-modulated microwave radiation has been reported by thousands of peer-reviewed studies to cause cancers, DNA damage, infertility and blood-brain barrier damage. It impairs immune, endocrine, cardiovascular, and neurological functions in humans and ultimately adversely affects all living things. Some satellites will use a very high-frequency portion of the spectrum (millimeter waves) shown to cause cellular resonance effects.”

If you want to get involved in keeping 5G out of your community, please contact your legislators to voice your opinion. If you live in New York, you can find contact information for your calls or letters at TelecomPowerGrab.org, which recommends asking your senator or assemblyperson to protect your rights and property by removing the Small Wireless Facilities Deployments (Article 13-E) from the governor’s proposed budget.

If you live elsewhere, Parents for Safe Technology has also compiled a list of U.S. agencies you can contact about this important issue for the health and safety of future generations and the planet."