SLC S23W2 : What Your Mood? A Thunkable App

in #techclublast month (edited)

Hello everyone hope you all are well and enjoying your life. last week i successfully published my entry post in the learning club and in the week one the project was about
My Recent Project: A 3D Model of Ring Topology This project shows how the ring topology works actually that was not the real project it was just the 3D model of RIng topology. but this week i published my real project i hope you people will like it. I started to create an app in Thunkable. its not fully complted but i am working it. 90% of my project is complted i am share it with you people i hope you all will like it.

Beige And Orange Modern Indian Food Poha YouTube Thumbnail  (1).png


This app name is "What Your Mood?" and the app is designed to provides users with personalize recommendation based on their current mood This app is not only engaging but also highly interactive making it useful for anyone who wants customized suggestions for music movies books and more.

Purpose of the App

In todays fast paced world emotions play a important role in our daily decision making processes. whether we feel happy sad energetic or relaxed our emotion influence our choice.

My app "What's Your Mood?" is designed to enhance the user experience by offering personalized recommendation tailored to the user current emotional state. This includes

  • Music recommendations 🎵
  • Movie suggestions 🎬
  • Book recommendations 📖
  • Recipe ideas 🍽️
  • Inspirational quotes 📝
  • Custom Spotify playlists 🎧

This app aims to help users quickly find content that aligns with their mood making entertainment and relaxation more enjoyable and stress free.

App structure and Features

The app consists of two main screens:

Screen1 – Mood Selection

Screenshot (3840).png

Screen1 serves as the home screen where users are presented with different mood option. By tapping on a mood button the app saves their selection and navigates them to the next screen where they receive tailored recommendations.

UI Components in Screen1:

  1. Title Label – Displays "Whats Your Mood?" as heading to inform users about the app purpose.
  2. Mood Selection Buttons – Users can choose from a variety of moods:
    • Happy 😊
    • Sad 😔
    • Relaxed 😌
    • Energetic ⚡
    • Stressed 😖
    • Romantic ❤️
  3. Info Button ℹ️ – Provides instructions on how to use the app.
  4. Background and Design – The screen features an intuitive design with a visually appealing background.

Screenshot (3842).png

Programming Logic for Screen1:

  • Mood Selection: When a user clicks on a mood button the app saves their choice and transitions to Screen2.

When [Mood_Button] Click
→ Set global Mood = [Button Text]
→ Navigate to Screen2

Screenshot (3843).png

  • Info Button: When clicked an alert box appears explaining the apps functionality.

    When [Info_Button] Click
    → Show Alert: “Select your mood and get recommendations based on it.”

Screenshot (3844).png

The whole code of Blocks of Screen 1 is below

Screenshot (3834).png

Screen2 – Personalized Recommendations

After selecting a mood users are directed to Screen2 where they receive personalized recommendations across six categories: music movies books recipes quotes and playlists.

UI Components in Screen2:

  1. Mood Display Label – Shows the user selected mood.
  2. Recommendation Buttons – Users can explore content in different categories:
    • Music (Canzone) 🎵
    • Movies (Film) 🎬
    • Books (Libro) 📖
    • Recipes (Ricetta) 🍽️
    • Quotes (Citazione) 📝
    • Playlists (Spotify) 🎧
  3. Dynamic Text Label – Display recommendations dynamicaly.
  4. External Links – Some recommendations include Spotify playlists or YouTube trailer.
  5. Navigation Button – Users can go back and select a different mood.

Screenshot (3845).png

Programming Logic for Screen2:

  • Displaying the Selected Mood:

When Screen2 Opens
→ Set Label.Text = "You are feeling: " + global Mood

  • Fetching Recommendations:

Screenshot (3846).png

When [Music_Button] Click
→ If global Mood = "Happy"
Set Label.Text = "Recommended Song: 'Happy' by Pharrell William"

→ Else If global Mood = "Sad"
Set Label.Text = "Recommend Song: 'someone Like You' by Adele"

  • Opening External Links:

    When [Spotify_Button] Click
    → Open Link: "#"

  • Navigation Back to Screen1:

    When [Back_Button] Click
    → Navigate to Screen1

The whole code of Blocks of Screen 2 is below

Screenshot (3833).png

Development Process & Challenges

While working on this app I encountered a few challenges such as

  • Optimizing the UI for better user experience.
  • Ensuring smooth transitions between screens.
  • Managing multiple recommendations dynamically Without slowing down performance.

Despite these challenges I successfully developed a fully functional app using Thunkable block based coding making it a fun and interactive experience for users.

Future Enhancements

To improve the app further I plan to add:

  • API Integration: Connecting the app to Spotify YouTube or Goodreads for real time recommendation.
  • User Profiles: Allowing users to save their favorite recommendations.
  • More Mood Options: Expanding mood choices like Motivated Lazy Anxious Inspired etc.

How i make money from this app?

its very simple i use some admob ads in this app so when a user are using this app they all see some ads and the admob will me per impression and click.

Creating this app was exciting journey for me and I m so happy to share it with you all. i hope you people will leran alot from my this app "What your Mood?" is design to make life easier by provding instant personalize recommendation based on emotions.
i was also try to share the link of my APP but it not publish on playstore or app store. soon this app will publish and avaislbe for everyone .to use it

Demo test link is here

NOTE: the above project is incomplete i need to work on it more i just started work on this project from last month it's my client's requirement. some functions are not working properly.

@kafio @mohammadfaisal @alejos7ven


Spelling and grammar issues:

Your documentation has spelling and grammar errors. So use a capital “I” and start sentences with capital letters to make them easier to read .

Language consistency:

Your application interface mixes Italian and English. Use one language consistently.

Project clarity:

  • Your documentation states that this is both a personal and client project, which is a bit confusing, could you clarify whether it's for personal use, a client, or both?
    You also mentioned earning money from ads while previously stating it was a client requirement.

I think you updated and removed the client mention ==> part where you say this project is for the client (I remember something like that).

  • You claim that the project is 90% complete. But some key functionalities are still missing, it might be better to focus on finalizing core features before introducing new ones.

UI & DEV recommendations

  • The first screen lacks clarity , it's not immediately clear what the buttons do, consider using more descriptive button name.
  • on the second screen, the text looks crowded and poorly written, better paragraph structure & label placement would improve reading.
  • Seeking additional feedback, especially on ui/ux design, could help improve the user experience.

It looks like a great idea, I'm excited to see the final result, also, I learned about a new tool, Thunkable , thanks for that.



My pleasure very soon i complete it.. my client will earn money from ad

Thank yoy so much for your feedback i am not so expert i am also .learning from YouTube.... but on that way. I completed 100 of. Project when you go down in my YouTube channel you will find many videos about this plate from

I will complete and modify this project and then post in next week.. account to your suggestion

hi @hamzayousafzai , Please provide a demo video showing how the app works because you wrote some details like:
If global Mood = "Happy" Set Label.Text = "Recommended Song: 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams"
but you didn't explain how that works in your post.
or, make the project public and share the link with me

ok, i am providing the demo video of how my app is working.