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RE: Celebrating My Birthday + SBD Giveaway

in #teardrops7 years ago (edited)

Happy and blessed birthday!!!
In Greek we say:
Πολύχρονος which means may you live for many years!!

You are a very sweet and kind-hearted person Sammy!!
Wish you all the best!

Which area do I blog most on?

Ah, that's obvious: Technology!!

PS: Looking hot in that suit! 😵

PS: Looking hot in that suit! 😵

100% 😏

Awww. Thanks so much Ruthie. I'm really honoured by your presence.
Thanks for being part of my celebration. You got my random sbd giveaway too :)

Αaaw! Thanks a lot Sammy, although we should be the ones to buy you presents! :P

It is my honour Ruthie. How do you say thanks in Greek? :D

It's ευχαριστώ = ef-ha-ri-sto :D

ευχαριστώ Ruthie. You've been so awesome

He looks like real samminator.. Sammy+bot. Terminator