The Importance of Teamwork and How It Can Help You And All Of Us...
Hello, dear Steemians!
First of all, I would like to thank you for being so engaged and understanding the importance of what we are building here. I am seeing many upvotes between you in meaningful comments and furthermore many discussions between you in some comments and in this way we are building the true spirit of community in this blog.
I would like you to understand that the more we grow our list (Feel free to request your inclusion in your comment especially if you are really interested in adding value to this community) that has been following the posts footers the greater it will become all of this and so we must be aware of this in order to reach our goal of 50 Upvotes between you.
I would still like to apologize for not being able to answer directly in your comments in the last posts because my life is really busy, I have many recording sessions to do and because it is the end of the year I have a lot of work in my companies because here we have to make the end-of-year accounting balance of all companies. So wait, surprises will come!
But I would also like to say that I am reading all the comments from you and especially I have paid close attention to which of you leave more very significant comments, which of you are the most engaged and those who have been more generous given upvotes in the community and as we are approaching the end of the year, I will surprise and present some of those people who have contributed a lot and understood our objective here.
And in this post I'm going to talk about the importance of teamwork
There are some subjects in the realm of motivational science that may have grown into a well-fed cliché. The prospect of teamwork might be one of those concepts that you have heard a hundred times before.
In your lifetime, you may become exposed to particular motivational viewpoints several times, but they hardly ever affect you. We have already discussed the reason for this in our previous blog posts. But what I want to tell you is that these mindsets and inspiring viewpoints work like clicks in your mind.
Sometimes, all you need is an ignition. So, even if you have previously read about the importance of teamwork, bear with me in this blog post and allow me to make my case.
You know what they say… it only has to work once!
Individualism is an unfortunate progress of human evolution. If we’re being honest, we all prefer to work alone in a comfort zone of our own making. Teamwork is a merit that has carried the human race in all of its greatest struggles and challenges, and yet it is the only characteristic that we neglect in the systematic growth of our society.
Flight can be a wearisome and difficult venture for migrating birds that travel thousands of leagues in the hope of reaching their predetermined destination. The secret of their success lies in their willingness to work together towards their shared goal. Packs of migrating birds fly in a V shape that gives them several aerodynamic advantages in their journey.
Whenever a bird struggles to keep up with the rest of the pack, it has to work harder in order to secure the balance of the group. Flying together also prevents these birds from becoming prey to other dangerous creatures in the sky.
These birds do not feel envy or greed towards one another. They know that if they reach their destination and achieve their goal, they are all going to benefit from it.

In the boundaries of the modern society, a lot of us prefer to work and operate alone. Little do we know of the extra wounds and troubles that we have to bear as a result of this decision.
We may fall into the trap of selfishness, thinking that we can be in the center of attention if we work alone and strive towards individualism, as opposed to working as a group of people and sharing prize and compensation of the work.
The weariness of a struggle slowly reaches a group who are working on it with dedication. When you are working alone, you are prone to an easy defeat by getting tired and depressed as things get tougher and deadlines become more punishing and imminent.
It is also fair to point out the obvious that a group of people can get more done in less time.

One of the other perks of teamwork is the matter of perseverance. When you are working alone and hit a challenge or a new obstacle on the road, you can easily let go of the struggle and surrender. But when you are in a team, your coworkers can inspire and push you to overcome the new barriers and move forward with the job.
That is the greatest thing about teammates; their willingness to help each other out as comrades and brothers in arms do in a field of battle. For what is life, other than a field of battle?

Some people tend to be more productive and creative when they are working alone. That is absolutely alright. But every now and then, consider the fact that it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to share the craziness of the journey with other people and work towards a goal as a united group of heroes. A BIG HUG! ============================ Important Note! I have been working very hard on this blog since the beginning. I have a very busy life but I am giving my best and believe me I have shared experiences that I have been coaching thousands of people and I know that the change of the Mindset should be daily. I am already grateful to see you giving upvotes to each other and you can see this with the fact that many already have 8, 9, 10 upvotes. But I'm sure that with the effort of all of us we will see a community with, 40, 50, 80 upvotes and for that everyone should get engaged so we can make it come true. I believe and we can! Resteem... ***Remember Community: Please, if you commented and upvote on a new post I did, please always go back to the previous one because if someone in the community commented lastly because of time zone differences it will be without your upvote and that would not be fair. You all know the goal! We can reach: 50+ Upvotes each others! Attention!!! I'm reading all the meaningful comments from the posts. I am here making a list of all of you who have helped build this community by voting for each other who write meaningful comments and soon I will respond to everyone with comment and thank you all because I can already see this spirit being built in this Positive Mindset community and help between all of you. You will receive my upvote in all material and brief comments I will do this in all the posts I am following very closely and I can see what the people who are generous and contribute to this legacy that I am trying to build with all of you can become reality in a short time. AND First of all, I would like to thank all of you, who are the most active and proactive in this community, showing your generosity and always with meaningful comments. From now on I will always make a list of these incredible people who have helped to expand our goal of growing ever more. And if you are not on this list, please, after making your comment, write in that comment: Include my profile in the list, because I do or want to be part of all this with all of you! But I ask that if you are new around here you read many of the previous posts because they make it clear that we are building a community with respect among all, generosity and this blog is for those who really want to start moving their Mindset to positive and moreover be part of the growth of all of us who contribute to this blog. Please do not ask to include you in the list if you are just wanting votes or speculating because we want here people genuinely attuned to growth and good attitudes and as I have always said with Respect as the basis of all, generosity and positivity! Remember the rules. First leave your comment meaningful and then leave your message that you want to be included in this comment. Everyone is welcome and I hope this list grows exponentially because this will be a reflection of everyone's growth. I really do not want to be able to update the list of so many people that can be included in it. Let's go together towards the 50+ upvotes to recognize the efforts of those who dedicate their time so that we can become stronger and leave a legacy of growth in our lives and in the lives of others! ABOUT OUR LIST!!! WE NEED GROW THIS LIST! LET'S GO TOGETHER IN THIS COMMUNITY - RESTEEM! I'm not going to put this list in all the posts because I do not quite understand why, but some people did not like me to tag them even though this list is a list of acknowledgment and thanks from the people I've observed being the ones who write meaningful comments , are generous voting for each other and contribute more to this family we are building here. So stay tuned to the text below and in the next posts. @juanmanuellopez1 @certain @moghul @coolguy222 @newageinv @gowealth @blessed-girl @cruis @lexymaine @alokkumar121 @aceandnotes @darlenys01 @rafique1953 @marvyinnovation @wems @ajks @alaisguineasis @amnlive @kimmysomelove42 @praditya @tommyl33 @samryan @vickykarma @brightsun @oppongk @kryp70kn1gh7 @theticket @royer94 @mentalhealthguru @bradley028 @nummulshrma @steemmatt @maxijgcomm @maikelblogo @mrblu @nancymj @petervi @mcoinz79 @missabigail @saludoalalma @mcnestler @moarafatshow @gargi @luis402 @rem-steem @shahzadeh @sumon-ar-vines @naijauser @yantrax @josema.saborido @khan.dayyanz @shapescooper @aceofhearts @marcocosta @rvag5 @fusroj @cashlane @borrowedearth @michaeljn @kchitrah @mitchhunter @nataliaeline @cherlianny @unknownphoton @unclefz @gardengranny @bettyamv @ghostwriter9 @wandrnrose7 @nancybriti @missladybug @shirophantomhive @rvag5 @ankitjnv @marvyinnovation @tommyl33 @gowealth @ustaadonline @daio @brightsun @mzubairch @lightestofideas @amit1995 @starapple @treodecimo @edinhazard @maxijgcomm @wasito @mariita52 @maroni55 @nataliaeline @ajtech2596 @keithf @wesleyvanderstel @grainsofsand @mariita52 @naijauser @castleirwell @juanmanuellopez1 @moghul @coolguy222 @newageinv @gowealth @blessed-girl @cruis @lexymaine @alokkumar121 @aceandnotes @darlenys01 @rafique1953 @marvyinnovation @wems @ajks @alaisguineasis @amnlive @kimmysomelove42 @praditya @tommyl33 @samryan @vickykarma @brightsun @oppongk @kryp70kn1gh7 @theticket @royer94 @mentalhealthguru @bradley028 @nummulshrma @steemmatt @maxijgcomm @maikelblogo @mrblu @nancymj @petervi @mcoinz79 @missabigail @saludoalalma @mcnestler @moarafatshow @gargi @luis402 @rem-steem @shahzadeh @sumon-ar-vines @naijauser @yantrax @josema.saborido @khan.dayyanz @shapescooper @aceofhearts @marcocosta @rvag5 @fusroj @cashlane @borrowedearth @michaeljn @kchitrah @mitchhunter @nataliaeline @cherlianny @unknownphoton @unclefz @gardengranny @bettyamv @ghostwriter9 @wandrnrose7 @nancybriti @missladybug @shirophantomhive @rvag5 @ankitjnv @marvyinnovation @tommyl33 @gowealth @ustaadonline @daio @brightsun @mzubairch @lightestofideas @amit1995 @starapple @treodecimo @edinhazard @maxijgcomm @wasito @mariita52 @maroni55 @nataliaeline @ajtech2596 @keithf @wesleyvanderstel @grainsofsand @mariita52 @naijauser @castleirwell Thanks All of You!!!!
Always remember the anthem, fellows: United we stand, divided we fall.
@isabelpereira @nulifeiq @royer94 @yaleal @ushmil @nisiryan0522 @reveurgam
Interesting article. On one hand like you outline, teamwork is great, beneficial and helps in achieving a lot. On the other hand, i think we are forgetting about the kind of people you should be in a team with. If a group of people come together to bring to alive an awesome idea, the initiative might die if you have the wrong set of people in a team...No matter how great your ideas could have been.
So, Know your team.
@chbartist thanks for all the great post. I would love to be added to your list to grow with the community.
Have a great day.
Hi. @chbartist.
Este assunto é muito importante. Na verdade o comportamento de grupo é a chave do sucesso de tarefas básicas da organização e sobrevivência das comunidades. Vemos isso em todos os grupos de animais.
Contudo, como criatura complexa, quando o homem evolui para tarefas acima das necessidades básicas e para isso precisa de usar habilidades e competências mais refinadas, torna-se impossível não dar prioridade ao trabalho individual porque há sempre um indivíduo com maior capacidade para o sucesso.
A questão é não transformar isso numa questão de ego.
Podemos ser o melhor numa tarefa mas manter a consciência de que outros no grupo podem ser também os melhores... noutras áreas da vida. E é essa consciência que torna o grupo mais forte e apto a avoluir em conjunto com a soma dos contributos de excelência de alguns a favor de todos. :D
Obrigada pela oportunidade de reflexão.
Hey @chbartist first of all thanks for your generous vote on my last blog! Our path never crossed before so I went to your blog and read a bit into it. Its nice to see people like you that really care about the community and want to make everything possible to make it grow!! You should include @arcange and @luzcypher in your list. They are doing great community work, motivating especially new steemians to keep on posting and engaging to the platform and with the people here. I think the goal is to show all the members of steemit what it is about. That it is not just about the payout but about the great community - our little international "steemit town" that we are building, and where we watch out for each other and learn from each other and show each other what life is about. I love to share my experiences here and get in touch with people from all over the world, having all this different topics or backgrounds, but the same goal. Just like at steemfest. We are all the same but also really different. But nobody is better than the other. Now its more important than ever to spread the love and support and motivate each other. So thanks for your work. Let me know more about your list and projects to support others. I already do what I can but If you have sb that needs support let me know. I dont have much but more than nothing ;) Also I will try to keep an eye on your blog. You seem to write about interesting topics. Glad you kinda reached out to me. Steem on. Cheers, Liz PS: Not everybody prefers to work alone ;) I think sometimes it is easier to do it your way yes, but that doesnt mean you dont want to work in a team ;) Real teamplayers love to work with others though. I think it makes the work more interesting if you have more people bringing in different perspectives - makes it more creative ;)
Hi @lizanomadsoul , You suggest me to include @arcange and @luzcypher to receive notifications os my posts. But you sure that their want this? If you sure, please confirm for me. Regards and excellent comment! We need more peoples like you in this blog!
Well I will have to ask them or you, just saying they would fit perfectly ;) Steem on :) Keep up the good work yourself haha
@lizanomadsoul, for me, that's fine, the question is whether or not they actively join this blog where everyone has been helped and I have worked hard to share my life experience and make a real change in everyone's Mindset so that they grow respecting the will of each to what they desire in their lives. You can see that there are only positive people in this blog, and we do not have space for negative people and this is the main thing to achieve what we have achieved here in such a short time. If it is to aggregate all are welcome.
Individualism is in my nature from the beginning. But what I felt when I come to the world of work and responsibilities, I found that I need help from others. It helps me to be more effective and efficient in my work. Team work also less time consuming and a place of learning.
I still face struggle to fit myself in a team work and it always takes time to cope with.
I think your words will help me to take a grip on it.
Thanks a lot.
Posted using Partiko Android
No one can achieve everything alone. We all need each other in all our doing in oder to excel. Thank you for incorporating team work in your work place.
Yeah, it takes me time to realize that. But I'm doing my best to achieve certain things in my life and change myself.
Thanks for your comment.
Posted using Partiko Android
Yeah, it takes me time to realize that. But I'm doing my best to achieve certain things in my life and change myself.
Thanks for your comment.
Posted using Partiko Android
well I have seen lion working in circus but never a wolf . wolf never hunts in group . but when we apply this to our civilized system , we can grow only by supporting and coperating each other. i am not a critic but if anyone is lonely and worried , please dont worry , keep giving your hundred percent and right people will join you at right time.
please do yourself a favour to follow me @fact-to-follow. I post some helpful contents. dont miss !
Thanks for your dropping in my comment.
Posted using Partiko Android
It is not the same production that each could individually do that the production was made with a team of people who can share the same interests. It all depends on what kind of work is required to achieve a specific objective, not all projects and objectives are the same. And when we discover that a project needs a team, we must be very mature to recognize that help is needed to move forward. Probably this is the last comment of this year that I can write here, because I ran out of computer since mine was damaged, and I do not know until I can have it working again, I can only connect in cybercafes, and these cybercafes will work until today, already that from next week almost nobody will work in my country.
So I will take advantage and wish you all a happy and prosperous new year 2019, that this community grows and that we exceed the goal of 50 votes per comment, that each of us will reach our goals for this year, that we will grow much more. In this platform of Steemit against the wind and the tide, that all cryptocurrencies will take force in this new year, that we overcome all the difficulties and finally prosper in health, knowledge, money, abundance, humility and, above all, in love . Happy new year to all!
This reminds menof two phrases I have learned regarding teamwork:
Posted using Partiko iOS
I always find your comment on every blog which I read really you are a great steemian
Hi @chbartist!
Actually working in a team in my institute I can say that we can achieve best results when the team is formed by people with common set of goals, interests, beliefs and motivations which I am lucky to be in. Having been in a team of self centred people in the past, I can feel the difference now.
Thanks a lot, it was an inspiring post.
Please consider including me in the list!
Posted using Partiko Android
True friend @chbartist
To fulfill various tasks, working with team spirit has become more important than ever.This is energy, which makes the ordinary person able to achieve specific goals.
Thank you
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When i was fully engaged in a band group, I learnt that if you are a good keyboardist or vocalist who does not cooperate with the drummer or other instrumentalist, the performance at the end of the day would be a mess but when every works together to cover each others track, the performance is awesome.
Also working alone as a solo vocalist may sound ok, but when there are two good vocalist work as a team, it bring out sweeter melody because the two will be singing different parts at the same time; adding more color to the song
Its very much true that united we stand and devided we fall and I believe in this thought. I also believe in another thought that is If you need to go fast then walk alone, but if you need to go long then walk together
Teamwork is highly important finish tasks on time. As you also mentioned that few people may perform good as an independent without any team work but the reality is that sometimes one person can't make it happen and task must need a group of people to finish. More people mean we can have multiple ideas and level of motivation increase which help us to do even better with best out of us. Thanks @chbartist for this nice post. Have a great weekend.
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