The diary game season2 Day 10 10/08/2020

in #teamsuccessindia5 years ago

Hello people today is my 10th day on this platform . I am really feel very happy by sharing my all activites feeling and all.🙂

Today I woke at 6:00 am . Take my lemon tea and then I cleaned my room and took my shower. Today I took shower early and had my breakfast as soon as possible . I done all thing by 9:00 am so that I can attend my online meeting with my classmate and teacher . And the meeting was regarding placement purpose. In microsoft team. Then I relax myself and again I sat for my study because yesterday i missed my evening study and i think today is also not possible to do my evening study .So I decided to continued my study for 2 hour form 12 pm to 2pm . Then I had my normal lunch dal ,rice and pickel. Then I relaxed myself and mean my I watched recipe of chocolate cake . Then I start making cake . First i seprate cream from all Oreo biscuit . Then I take oreo biscuit in a mixer container to grind it at the same time i mixed milk and sugar and mixed it up. After that I pour into a container and kept in a oven in a low flame then after 20 minutes . I take it out from oven . After that I melt oreo cream and Dairy Milk chocolate to give it chocolate flavour then i put it on cake and then i kept gems chocolate to make it attractive after that I kept into a refrigerator so that cream part freezed it . My prepared cake by 4:30 pm . Today is my younger brother birthday so i invited my few friends and they have arrived at my home by 5 then I served tea snacks to them mean while I also had my tea with them . Then we start decorating room and by 7 pm also was done and it was time to cut cake .



After cake cutting I was busy with my mom so that se can cook dinner fast. Then I played game with my friends and my brother was busy with his friends then we dance with each other. By 9pm I served every one dinner one by one and then every one returned to home . Then we had our dinner . Today was special day so my mom cooked puri ,pula ,paneer and sweets. As I was so tired but still I was standing to see gifts

Then I come back to my room to write my daily diary and happy to share with you all also . 😊😊😊😊 That 's all about today stay safe byeee byee ..