[WARNING:] This May Confront Your Belief System!!!
My post this morning about a homeless man being advised by someone on how to improve his begging skills got me to thinking. Could there be a market for consulting to street bums?
What if you could help a homeless person to double their income by begging at the right locations at the right time of day with the right approach?
Blessed to be your friend and partner! You have a new Follower!!!

General Omar of the US Army said it best: "Professionals talk logistics, Amateurs talk strategy." Psychology is logistics - how you think results in fundamental changes in behaviour which then gives you the results you want.
Hey before I forget I have a free gift for you if you comment YES below....This helped me tremendously in a number of areas in my life...The Science of Getting Rich (1910) by Wallace D. Wattles

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the rule of the world ;)
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sth original...
YES! WOW thank you so much for your kind comment! You've got a new follower! Thanks for following me, did you get your free gift?
gift ?
Yeah you didn't know? All my followers get a free gift. Join my group and click on Files for your free copy of The Science Of Getting Rich. https://www.facebook.com/groups/cillieheretohelp/
This is great ...and the perfect time for me to hear this. The beliefs, the excuses -- story of my life as I create one business idea after another, then drop it right before it becomes successful -- suddenly losing all interest and seeing it as drudgery and most likely hopeless anyway. But lately I've been meditating deeply and listening to my "inner guide" ---- the other day, I asked, WHAT should I do to earn a good living? ...and it has to be something I am passionate about. The answer I got was NOTHING until you get to the root of what is blocking you -- the heart of the matter. You are right, it's all within, the problems. Though we think they are "out there". Thanks for the great post!
Maybe you are dyslexic.
I think so, but what would that have to do with it?
Your brain works different but your thoughts come from your culturescape. Join my group and click on Files for your free copy of The Science Of Getting Rich. https://www.facebook.com/groups/cillieheretohelp/
Thank you.