"Change is Coming"

Yesterday, one of the most controversial and talked about presidents in the history of the Philippines, Pres. Rodrigo Duterte, once again reported to his "boss" (the Filipino people) as he delivered his second State of the Nation Address.

As a concerned Filipino citizen, I also want to share my thoughts about the current administration's tagline: "Change is coming."

At first, I thought of introducing this brief article with the quotation "The only permanent thing in this transient world is change," but after a moment, I've realized that that line is too cliche. So, let me just start by asking you a question:

"Can we really achieve a meaningful change? If yes, how? When?"

One of the battle cries of most Filipinos these days is CHANGE – a change in the government, political and educational system, and the labor sector just to name a few. We have heard and read about a lot of people who have long been fighting for that elusive change to abolish corruption, eradicate poverty and unemployment, diminish crimes and illegal drugs, to achieve justice and equality and to top it all, to achieve peace and progress.

The desire of the Filipino people coupled with their burning passion to attain change became even greater and more intense when Digong stepped into presidency a couple of years ago. Some thought of this historical event as a clear sign that change is coming. But is change really coming? Is it already within our reach? Has the battle for change come to an end?

In my own point of view, I firmly believe that the fight is still not over. As long as there are still street children whose stomachs are crying out for food, as long as there are still traumatized women because of physical and sexual abuse, as long as there are still people who could not afford a quality education, and as long as there are still men who are being slaughtered in broad daylight, the fight for change is still not over.

What the country needs right now is a meaningful change. A change that would make this nation rise from poverty. A change that would allow every citizen to exercise their rights and enjoy the true essence of freedom and democracy. A change that would bind every Filipino people as one both by action and by heart.

 I still believe in the true spirit of ‘bayanihan,’ where everyone helps one another not because they are seeking for something in return but because they find it as their duty to lend a helping hand to their Filipino brothers and sisters. This, my friends, is the kind of change that we need to make this country a greater nation.  

Since I began with a question, allow me ladies and gentlemen to end this article with an answer:

YES! We can definitely achieve a meaningful change. 

How? If and only if we will be united as one. 

When? NOW. For now is the perfect time to make this country rise again.


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