Infertility Part 2

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

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Hi fellow steemians,

My writing on this blog merely about sharing my experiences on how I manage my patients with infertility problem.

In Part 1, I wrote a story about a couple who had been diagnosed with Primary Infertility.

Despite being told that they have no medical problem that could stop them from having baby of their own, they continue having difficulties to conceive. That prompt them to adopt a beautiful baby boy after 5 years trying.

They have probably accepted their fate for not able to conceive. For most, it can be difficult to accept. Even if they could accept it, the process of accepting may took a longer time. Eight years later, 13 years into their marriage, they had received the most beautiful news.
The wife got pregnant and delivered a healthy baby girl 9 months later.

In Part 1, I mentioned that some couples who had difficulties to conceive, will choose IUI or IVF treatment. Since the cost for doing these treatment is quite expensive, most cannot afford. Even if they can afford, most will only do it once.
For those who wanted to go for these treatment, I will refer them to specialist. But not without information that may help them during consultation with their Fertility Specialist.

What is IUI.?
IUI stand for IntraUterine Insemination. This treatment objective is to increase the number of sperms reaching the Fallopian tubes. Normally it will cost around MYR5000 per cycle.

Image source IUI

What is IVF?
IVF stand for In Vitro Fertilization. This treatment is a process of fertilization where the egg from the women are taken out and fertilized it with sperm. After several days, about 2 -6 days, the cultured embryo will be transferred back into the same women's womb or different women. Cases like surrogate mother. Normally it will cost around MYR15k up to MYR30k.

Image source IVF

Clearly, the couple in my story simply cannot afford it. In fact, most of my patients cannot afford it as well.

When I did my consultation, I always emphasize my patients on the importance of identifying the signs of ovulation.


  1. Time.
    Most ovulation period occur starting on the 13th day to 17th day.

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This is the easiest sign to know.

  1. Basal Body Temperature or BBT
    The body temperature must be taken starting on day 1. It is even better if the temperature are taken more than 1 time in a day. What you are looking for is the average basal body temperature. When the 13th day is approaching, the women need to be more aware.

You are looking for slight drop in BBT, roughly about 0.2Degree Celcius. This happen about 1 or 2 days before the ovulation. Then 1 or 2 days after ovulation, the temperature will rise above BBT by 0.2 degree Celcius or more. Roughly there will be 2 or 4 days of ovulation.
Look out for drop in BBT. The more frequent you check your BBT the better.

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  1. Cervical mucus.
    It really up to individual when they wanted to check their cervical mucus. But when the 13th day is approaching, you need to be more watchful.
    As you can see the picture below, the consistency, elasticity and transparency of the mucus are varies between infertile, fertile and most fertile.

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  1. Urine Ovulation Test.
    It is advisable to do this test once all the signs above are present. You may opt to omit from doing this step, because it may "kill" the fun.

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Last but not least ladies and gentlemen, remember the thing I mentioned about having fun?
Should you get all the positive signs above, wherever you are, whenever the time is or whatever you are doing, give him a call and be creative.

I always concluded my consultation with this reminder. We, as a mere creatures in the eyes of God, can only plan but God decides.
Keep imagine your baby gradually formed inside your womb. Feel it, embrace it, love it.

Let me conclude my experience by telling you story about couples that I have already consulted.

  1. This couple have one child of their own. Despite trying for 5 years, they were unable to conceive. I share them with the knowledge above to both of them. 1 month later, they came back to me to say thank you.

  2. A couple in their mid 30's consulted me for their problem. I shared the knowledge above. We were calling it a quit on the 2nd year and refer the couple to fertility specialist. They got their appointment and met the fertility specialist. The next day after consulted the specialist, they came to my clinic to inform me that they got pregnant without IUI or IVF.

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God bless you.

Thank you for reading.


Thank you doc. How about women with irregular menstrual cycle or women with heavy bleeding every month. How do they count their fertile day? Hope you have your part 3 for my question doc.

Thank you. The 1st day is still the 1st day of the menses. Will continue to write. There will be part 3. Mainly on male infertility. But will address the issue that you raised. Thank you

Tks for the info doc. Ive been trying to conceive as well. 😄 definitely got my vote!

Hope it helps.

Thanks for sharing @papanog Doc! good information and cute baby pics!

Thank you very much

Great info from you doc.. Part 1 to part 2. Keep it coming=)

Thank you so much.