Bullying in school – An alarming problem (学校霸凌的问题)
Today I try something different for the first time: Posting in bi-language. English and Chinese. Hope my Chinese won't be too bad.

My elder daughter just started her primary school this year. She was looking forward and excited to explore her new world. Every night after I reached home from work, she will share with me things that happened at school. Last night when we are chatting with my elder daughter, she told us that one of her classmates purposely pushed her from the back while they are walking to the classroom. Luckily, she fell on the grass. No physical injury.
My wife told me that apparently, the same children that pushed my daughter, he punched another child in the head. The victim's parents complained to the school principal. Both victim's parent and bully's parent are having a war of words in the WhatsApp group.

Bullying problem is increasingly alarmed in recent years. Despite all the Stop Bullying campaign, the bullying rate is still increasing. As much as we want to do something about it, many of us not exactly sure what we can do.
Where does bullying really started? Some tried to push the responsibility to the school or teachers, but for me, it all started from home. Parents are the best teacher at home. A child spends only eight hours in the school, the remaining time of the day, they stayed at home. Children need attention, they need love. With the current society, there are many families that the father and mothers are working. Without enough attention to the children, they more likely to lash out with negative behavior. The negative behavior will then be carried over to school.

To educate the children, both parents and teachers need to do their part. Before the children enter school, they will spend the first six years together with their parents, that is where the children build their behavior foundation. Teacher is to enhance the foundation by educating the children on what kind of behaviour is OK and,what is not.
One of the best ways to minimize bullying cases at school is to implement strong policies against bullying. These policies should clearly be defined the steps to handle bully cases if happened. It will be best if the process of creating the policy involve parents, students, and teachers.
I believe in every school, there are areas that are dark, or not many people hanging around. Bullying usually happened at those places. It will be best if the school can send someone to check around that area at random timing.

In summary, it is important for parents and teachers to educate our children on what is bullying, and what is wrong with it. Children should feel safe in school. Let's create a better environment for them to obtain quality education without fear of being bully.


I personally feel that bullying is part of human nature although it is wrong. It is a way that an individual make himself feel superior to another. I came from an all boys' school and the bullying is pretty bad especially if the victim becomes even more timid after the bullying. The victim usually will be targeted throughout his entire schooling life and it is traumatising. I have seen many accounts of bullying and the most common is to slap and step on the glasses of the victim...it ain't right but it is so rampant.
oh no.. sad to hear that. Guess it really need hard work to reduce it. But i just hope that some time in future we won't have this issue.
This has & will be such an issue.. it’s sad! I too believe it starts in the home! Parents need to educate there children right from wrong & show by example. The really sad part is that these bullies probably learn in the home , because in someway they are being bullied there, and thinking its the correct way to interact with others & that it’s ok.😕 we as parents need to show more love and not so much negativity! Thanks for sharing this ! It needs to keep being put out there!!
Oh ya, you have a point there. they think its the correct way to interact with others & that it’s ok.!
哈哈 上了中学就没念华语了。好难:P
Nice post. I agree, bullying is a major problem these days. It is important to remember that it takes several things to actually constitute bulling. For example an isolated incident of aggression is not bullying. Sometimes kids just do mean things. In our current culture people all to often miss-label things as bullying which technically are not. Bullying is usually repetitive, it also usually consists of an unfair match. You are right though I think treating people right is something that starts at home. Too much these days everyone is taught to look out for number one and not help their fellow neighbors. -@bozz
Thanks for your input @bozz, appreciated it. Yup agreed, sometimes they are just playing. Too bad the case that my daughter facing, it's a repeated case reported to the same children. Worst is that the parents see nothing wrong with it.
I'm so sad to hear that your baby is being bullied, I was once bullied and it was horrible. I actually would cut class because I did not want to be around school. I think that if I had a child, I would teach my child how to protect themselves with some form martial art like Aikido. My thinking in life was caught up too much in fear from a child and I feel that if my parents had equipped me sooner with these tactics it would have been much better. I hope you figure out a way for you and your family to handle this situation. My heart goes out to your baby. Prayers. xx
Thank you for the value comment. She is the lucky one since it's just a push. The other victim is not that lucky. So far I told my kids to stay away from him, and voice out to the teacher if she got bullied.
I hope there is not a next time. My prayers are with you and the babies. xx
@kokuryo, 佩服!佩服!
佩服什么哦。。哈哈 还在学习中呢
Welcome to #cn-malaysia. 歡迎繼續使用!
Sadly, I think this is an issue everywhere. Keep educating people about this issue. Saw this in Discord, Qurator. All the best!
thank you for dropping by. Thanks! Hopefully our grandchildren won't have this issue to deal with.
Hope that everything will get ironed out smoothly. Hope that she will not turn her head away for school. Keep up the good work!
BTW, it's “霸凌”
'霸凌' thank you for your correction.haha mind my primary level Chinese, but I accept the challenge and learn.