Growing TeamMalaysia | The Launch of #MYJUNIORS
Dear Steemians
On behalf of TeamMalaysia , I'm proud to announce a new initiative focusing on teaching kids to create content. This initiative is called #myjuniors
How it started and who are involved ?
This whole idea came about when talking to @elizacheng and we were just talking on how creative ours kids are and it would be great to get the kids together to create content. Being in its infant stage, we have gathered a small team to kick off this initiative. We do hope that more will join this community as it can only grow with the help of everyone.
Project #myjuniors
Lead : @elizacheng
Coordinators : @zord189 , @davidke20 , @karinzdailygrind , @khimgoh , @littlenewthings , @wendygoh , @notimetospace , @aaronleang & @orangila
#myjunior Objectives of first meetup
The ultimate aim is to foster a deeper bond between parent and child and enable them to understand and guide their child better.
Since Chinese New Year is just around the corner, we decided to add a dash of CNY flavour to the event. Parents and their children will get to learn how to craft Chinese New Year decorations from scratch using Angpow packets. (Psstt: I heard they will be crafting some coins, stars, fishes and even whales too!)
Meetup Date & Details
Since this would be our first meetup we are keeping the number of kids small as we would like to ensure that all the kids gets the best experience. We do hope for your support either in content of just joining us in the fun and activities. When we have more kids involved , I'm sure it would be an activity which everyone would look forward to.
Some of the items which we would be teaching the kids to craft !
How can You support ?
If you want to get involved , do contact @elizacheng on discord and take it from there. Lets grow this community as a global initiative for all the kids to spark their creative minds.

So amazing that this platform has created for the myjuniors ... its amazing lah bro ..@gelfire & @emmanuelnukchee was talking about this few days ago .. that many myjunior can be tapped ... may be should we bring myjunior programme to Sabah too .. what do you think bro ?
Of course ... The idea is to replicate it and grow ! We want our kids to get involved as well in creative content creation .
You've got my witness vote for all the hard works. Well done man.
I've got a new Malaysia friend join Steem, can you show me which sites can she know all the incoming events so that she may join?
Thank you so much buddy . Truly appreciate it
this is exciting! sadly it’s again on a Saturday :( will watch this space! :)
Sorry man .. Saturdays are bz days for u huh
Wah memang a lot of communities formed! Go go #teammalaysia
Yeap .. cuz we have so many great community members
Multi-diversity. Steem On
This is such an exciting new initiative @bitrocker2020, it's great to foster creativity and innovation (and empowerment!) among our youngsters.
Wish I could participate but I have to attend an art market at Jaya One on the same day!
Oh noes .. perhaps in our next session
Thank you for starting this initiative. My kids and I are in.
Yay ... Hope you are feeling way much better now
Wonderful and powerful. Let’s extend this to Sabah teammalaysia as well. This will be a good exposure especially to our younger generation to explore their hidden talent. Great empowerment.
Sure ... 😁 We'll grow it everywhere .
aiseh... saturday :( nvm aim for next round
Nice info buddy, useful for me, thanks