Battle Scars

in #teamgood7 years ago

Some of you know me. Yes @ancapbarbie is my old account. I lost the keys for it.

I haven't created an introduction post because a) I'm not new here, and b) I haven't really had anything interesting to publish.

But I thought I'd share the some of the more notable scars I wear.

Kids in high school used to put cigarettes out on me. Two scars from being sliced with knives, although oddly the one that was worse shows up less in this picture. Maybe because it's much older than the more visible one.


16MP camera doesn't want to focus this close. Tip of my left ring finger, almost completely severed when I smashed the frame of a print I was carrying home across a would-be rapist's face in Denver. Next time I'll get a plastic or wood frame.


First murder attempt I survived. Six guys in Washington, DC caved the entire right side of my face in with a padlock and a brick. That's another story, one that I'm frankly tired of telling and have already told here on Steemit. Also while taking this pic I realized I have a little pimple under my eyebrow.


Two bullet holes from a meth dealer in LA, who is ... no longer with us. One of the scars where they tubed my chest after a junkie in Denver decided he didn't like me preventing him from shooting up in front of school-kids and later ran up behind me to smash a skateboard into the left side of my chest. They tubed my chest twice because apparently they didn't do it right the first time, but the other scar is too close to my boob to show here without a nsfw tag.


Needless to say, I don't give a shit what anyone thinks of my appearance or whether I alter some of my pics to hide these scars. I've earned them.

But I'm tired and just want to be left alone. I joke about Lambos but all I really want is peace and quiet.

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Ye have the strength of a true pirate, me 'earty! I'd be proud to plunder the 24 Seas with ye any day.

What doesn't break us makes us stronger, hopefully you request for privacy will not fall onto deaf ears.

Of course left alone you might be, but alone you will never be as I know plenty of people are always right by your side.

Wow! Them's some serious scars, and some big stories to go along with them. Hope you get that peace and quiet in the best possible way, and that you can still play, too! (((hugs)))


Aww, C'mon! What's a little NSFW among friends?

😁 😂 🤣

Welcome Back...

Maybe another time. I've already had trusting people on here backfire on me spectacularly. Twice.

a lot that I met ages ago am still in contact with and cool with then yeah.... some are what they are and the cool thing is that someone stands their ground, maybe you'll do a cooking post or an epic pic of a bug on a leaf, perhaps then lambo
for now is good to see people being this open and real, some of us just can't be for various reasons but I value that in you

Ducks losing your keys. I lost mine to google authenticator so I haven't been able to log in to my mining pool for weeks. Finally they sent me an e-mail, telling me they had turned of 2fa on my account and all is well.
"But I'm tired and just want to be left alone." my sentiments exactly. I'll be 56 in a few months and I don't think I'll be buying a Lamborghini any time soon, especially working as a carpenter for $500/week under the table.
The only thing I hope to achieve is to leave my step-daughter with a nice nest egg of cryptocurrency so she'll be able to make ends meet.
Glad you're back, like your attitude .

that's a very nice and thoughtful comment, not all of us started out on here easily to put it mildly

It was totally my own damn fault too. I spilled soup on my old laptop, backed up my keys from the thumb drive they were on to cloud storage so I could make a bootable install drive out of it. A friend of mine was kind enough to buy me a replacement laptop, but I installed Ubuntu 18.04 and encrypted the file after pulling it down from cloud storage, then tried to remove some silly game I was never gonna play, which apparently unlike previous versions of Ubuntu is tied to some system-critical process. After rebooting to a non-Plasma shell I could access the file but couldn't decrypt it.

Soooo ... if you run an Ubuntu system and upgrade to the latest LTS version, you're kinda stuck with the silly games that are included even with the lightweight installation.

Yes, Ubuntu is a bit fickle. I use it but only bare minimal with XFCE as a desktop. They also have a tracking extension that tracks everything you do which is ridiculous. I think it's called zietgiest or something close to it..

Do they? I thought I read a while back that they got rid of that stuff as of 16.04?

~furiously scouring the interwebz now~

Check the repository: Zeitgeist or libzeitgeist

Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user activities and events (files opened, websites visited, conversations held with other people, etc) and makes the relevant information available to other applications

Just make sure it's not installed. I used to use just plain Jane Debian just because of that program. Certain desktop environments automatically install it

I'm here if you ever want to talk. I have battle scars too.

That is really Horrible. I'm sorry you had to go through that. @miryam
No one! no matter, how vulnerable the person deserves that.
Your attackers are weak. You are the strong one!
You are Beautiful, just the way you are!.
BTW I gave up my dream of becoming a model a while ago. Ha!Ha!Ha!