I Have Moved House

in #teamaustralia4 years ago


It has been nearly a year since my last post and that year has been full of illness and my wife passing from cancer in March. I had expected to go first as I was recovering from lymphoma and was not in the best of health from my compromised immune system but God had other ideas.
To top it all the COVID virus capped it off and there have been restrictions and lock-downs, more severe in some states compared to others. Am I glad I don't live in in Victoria.
My family persuaded me to downsize as they didn't want me going up and down stairs as my balance is not good. The choice was one of those '5 star' serviced rooms for old people, or, what we call a home unit but is variously called a flat or an apartment and so on. I chose the unit and was happy that I did because the old peoples homes became centres for COVID infection.
The picture above shows the layout of the unit and it is in a complex of buildings and has nice gardens, children's playgrounds, a BBQ area with gas BBQs, gym, sauna and so on. I am a bit closer to the swamp, um, wetlands, and the birds are in gay (as in brightly coloured) profusion, fighting each other for territorial rights. The kookaburras start the dawn chorus well before daybreak.
I have fitted the balcony with three garden benches and a table and can sit six large relatives or nine skinny ones. There was space to fit two small 'greenwalls' and a dwarf lemon and orange tree. It is spring now and the perfume from my 'garden' is beautiful.
The learning curve from starting to live alone when one is nearly eighty produces some amusing tales that I may retell here as circumstance permits.
Do have a nice day, the pandemic will not last forever.