Steemit Learning Challenge: Application for Season 22: DIY Home made

in #teachingteam3 months ago
🔸[Hello Steemit Team]🔸

Hello &. Namaste



This is @yourloveguru along with @aviral123 as my helper applying for the Steemit Learning Challenge for Season 22. I will work under the name and style of "DIY Hacks team"

We will conduct a weekly program to bring out Steemians to share their DIY Home made hacks for hair , skin , beauty and common issues. I will tak about how we can care our hair, skin, beauty especially in winter season. I will give some tips and ask questions.

Now a days people are spending a lots of money on hair care products like hair shampoo, hair serum, hair color, winter day face cream, winter night face cream, winter body lotion etc but still they don't get good results because there are so much confusion which is best product to pick . People also can not afford high price products.

In this learning challenge, according to my experience, we shall discuss and teach how any one can make home made hair care products, face cream and some good hacks for common disease or issues.

We will discuss about its benefits, how to make and how to use, so it will be complete tutorial and this will be beneficial for everyone and will be fit in budget also because people will not need to spend a lots money.

Team Member-1



I am yourloveguru from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh of India, I had joined Steemit on October 2022. I am blogger, Youtuber and did some research and practice with Herbal home made research company.

I am business man also and currently I am working with my elder brother at shop. It is electrical shop and I am giving my services here since 2002 .

But as I wanted to do some creative so I had joined BPO companies where I worked on US projects about mortgage and later on medical project, on that point I got interest to research and get knowledge about home made herbal products, DIY Hacks because market products are very expensive so I thought it will be best if we will use home made products at cheap price but we will get 100 % results without any harm chemical and preservatives.

I am blogger so I am very familiar with plagiarism checking and ChatGPT and how it works.

My Steemit Experience

I am working on Steemit platform since october 2022 and I have seen growth in my working, my writing. Many big curators have appreciated my work. I worked as moderate in two communities also. This time my current rank is 69 with holding of 1200+ Steem but journey is very long and I am ready to work hard with honesty on Steemit.

SP: 1,101.25 SP
Delegation : 100 SP
Club #100

Team Member-2



I am @aviral123 from Lucknow, uttar pradesh of India. I joined Steemit platform on November 2022, but I learnt about mark downs, importance of power up , writing style and became active since March 2023 . I will join "DIY Hacks team" as his helper.

Currently I am working as moderator in Steem for Ladies which is very popular community. I also worked as curator.

SP: 14,523.64 SP
Delegation : 3,569.511 SP
Club #100

I will assist in the assessment of posts and help make weekly reports, besides keeping an eye on plagiarism, chatGPT-generated content, and the quality of the posts by moderating them thoroughly.

We propose to offer

1st week :
Home made Hair Shampoo



In 1st week challange, we will teach how to make home made shampoo. Now a days people are facing hair loss problems, thin hair problems and they use harsh shampoo which impacts more bad on their hair and also they waste their money on expensive Shampoos. In this challenge, we will teach that how we can make effective home made shampoo using simple ingredient without any harm chemical and preservatives. It will be beneficial and at very cheap price.

We will talk about all ingredients benefits respectively and then live making process and live apply on hair.

In challange, people will learn about home made shampoo and also discuss any more ingredient which I did not mention or they will be free to make their own home made shampoo and explain its ingredients' benefits and live making process and live apply on hair. It will be interesting to teach and learn.

2nd week :
Home made Hair Serum



In 1st week, we will discuss about shampoo and after shampoo, Hair serum is very important for hair. But Hair serum is very expensive in market but no worries!! In our 2nd week, we will discuss about how to make Hair Serum at home using simple ingredients . In this learning challenge, people will learn step by step making of hair serum . We will talk about benefits of every ingredients respectively which we will use in Hair Serum.

We will show live making process and live apply process also .

People are free to make their own Hair serum in this challange, but they have to explain each ingredient's benefits and live making process and live apply.

It will be interesting to teach and learn about how to make Hair serum at home.

3rd week :
Winter Face Cream ( Day and Night Cream)



People use face cream mostly in winter season and that's why face cream prize always gets increase in winter season. In this learning challenge, we will discuss how to make home made winter day & night cream which gives good moisturizer and also good for all type of skin and best part is that it will be fit in budget. We will talk about every ingredients benefits step by step and live making process and live apply.

People can learn easily how to make face cream for winter at home using such good simple ingredient.

Applicants can also show their talent in home work to add magic ingredients. It will be good interesting.

4th week :
Winter body lotion



In winter season, People use body lotion but every body lotion does not suits to every body so in this case, if there are 5 members so they have to purchase atleast 3 different type of body lotion which are at high cost and low quantity and sometimes at low quality.

In this learning challenge, we will discuss that what kind of oils we can use as body lotions, what's are their benefits respectively. We also make home made body lotion which will be very good and suits to every body and at cheap price with high quality. We will show live making process and live apply process.

Applicants have to make their favourite body lotions and we will also discuss many things in assignment. So it will be very interesting learning and making process.

5th week :
Home made color Dye for black hair



People use harmful chemicals to cover their white hair and later on they loose their hair because of harsh chemicals. In this learning challenge, we will talk about home made hair colour dye for black hair. We will discuss everything step by step and live making process and live apply.

In assignment, applicant have to discuss many things on this home made color Dye and also they will make at home and explain what ingredients they will use and why.

I am sure it will be beneficial and most interesting learning challenge for everyone.

6th week :
Home made face packs for glowing skin



In this learning challenge, we will talk about home made face packs and it's benefits. We will cover 3-4 packs and will explain how to make home made face packs for glowing skin at home.

Applicants can share their favourite face packs for glowing skin, live making process and live apply process and trust me it will be more n more enjoyable learning in this challenge.

We shall give detailed learning programs in our weekly posts, if selected.

We are sure, based on our proposal and if we will get a chance to conduct this program so people will be more aware about home made products and they will get maximum results at low or no price.

Sincerely yours,





Hi, this is one of the great and interesting topics to discuss. Best of luck...

Thankyou so much dear friend.

Its our pleasure that you have liked our topic and trust me it would be very interesting and after this challenge, many people use home made products for their hair , face cream etc.

Thank you

Hehehehe, absolutely right. I can't wait to see homemade products for hair, face and so on from different places around the world. Good luck, friends...

goodluck for the application may you both selected for SLC season 22

Interesting. 🤔😉
