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RE: SLC S21W1 /Diseños en crochet | Clase 1: llavero

in #teachingteam5 months ago

The video is purely Spanish and it is difficult for everyone to understand. How I wish it th video step is written down so we can translate it to English then read and understand.


Hola amiga, el vídeo tiene subtitulos en ingles por eso no escribí la descripción del mismo


Is blurry, not clear

Modifique el video @eliany 😊

Oh please thank you so much I really appreciate your efforts

No había internet pero lo logré 😃, cualquier duda escribenos.

Feliz tarde!

I'm satisfied thanks 👍 I appreciate

I appreciate this video too. Thanks @eliany for raising this up.

Dear there is an English subtitle with me. It's more that it's fast and not shown closely what is done but I believe if you watch it a few times and can crochet you can do it to... I hope.