Imagine an America where TDS and Anti-Trumpers did not exist!

in #tds2 years ago

People voted for Obama not because he was vetted or even qualified to be President. They voted for him because he was a novelty, he was the 1st black candidate.

People voted for Hillary regardless of the baggage, the history of corruption. They voted for her just because she was a woman also a novelty the 1st woman candidate.

Obama was not qualified to be President due to lack of experience and Hillary was not qualified due to lack of morals.

Trump was elected because he too was a novelty of sorts. A brash talking, unapologetic New York businessman with a history of beautiful women and a reputation of getting the job done against the odds.

Some failures in his past but an empire built on good decisions and hard work. We knew exactly who he was when we elected him. For the 1st time in our history we turned over the largest business in the world (the U.S.) to a businessman instead of a politician. A man that actually created jobs, had to sign paychecks and knew how to budget a project. He had experience negotiating at the highest levels including with governments around the world.

We saw the results of our decision to elect Trump. A growing economy, more jobs for everyone than we have ever seen, ISIS defeated, smaller government and a growing presence on the world stage again.

Imagine what he could have accomplished if 1/2 the people in America suffering from TDS, a Congress full of Never-Trumpers, a DOJ full of corruption and the entire Main Stream Media did not trying to undermine his every decision.

Even as he traveled the world making deals that are great for America, it’s citizens and world, the Communist Left attacked him publicly. The Communist Left in America (the Democrats) were scared to death of President Trump because they could not control him.

That fear drove them to the edge of insanity. They wanted him to fail so bad they didn’t care if America failed too. TDS is real and dangerous to our freedoms in America.

Trump has the ability to Make America Great Again, Safe Again, Prosperous Again, Respected Again throughout the world, if people would just stop trying to prevent him from doing it.

We must, as American Patriots stand by President Trump as the Communist Democrats are still attacking him at every level in an attempt to deny him the Presidency. He has no support from the GOP Rinos and not 1 single main stream media fairly reporting on him.

He withstood all the fire for us at an enormous personal expense and now it is time for us to have his back. These are perilous time in America. Our beloved Constitution is being ripped to threads. The very foundation of our Republic is crumbling.