Tuesday Christian Curation Night Show (TCCNS) #9 Report Writing

in #tccns7 years ago

Hello everyone, Last week report was not done because I lost my dad that same day. So sorry about that.
Yesterday night was another TCCNS in the flaminghelpers' community server on discord. Another member of the community joined us in the show. The progress is a gradual one and we thank God that it was another success. Even though only three posts were shared, We had a great time discussing some important issues that Christians are facing.


These were the questions that we treated

Someone asked me this today, so I'll ask it here.
In holding up to your standard.
Is there any situation that one can lie to escape a situation which should be considered a pass for him.
taking the case of Abraham
He said if a robber comes to your house and ask for money, you have it but you lied you do not have it


What advice can you give someone who has tried several times but still end up failing.
and each time she keeps trying just this particular thing, she still end up failing and so much attention is placed on her and then this attention becomes cold.
she prayed, fasted, did so much but nothing.
she almost attempted suicide, cos she felt God and nature is against her.

We all learn something today.

Here are the posts that were presented in the show in no orderly way:



I just want to share probably one of the most popular bible stories with everyone. The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Growing up as a child, this story made little or no sense to me. I never thought how deep it was, but as I get older, It made a whole lot of sense then it made me appreciate this story the more. I could feel what these three guys went through & how God can turn things around for good.

Now, the question is, how many Christians will be willing to go hungry or even die for the sake of God rather than getting this mark? Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were ready to die for the God they serve. They were willing to disobey the king rather than serve another god. The judgment day is coming and this version will definitely take place. How prepared are we willing to suffer for Christ.

... read more

Lessons from a pineapple

Pineapples are interesting things. And, while you may know some things, I'm sure there will be some new bits of information.
Are you on the edge of your seat as you read about pineapples? Or do you feel like SpongeBob SquarePants?
There are many more fascinating facts about pineapples. Absolutely scintillating information, despite SpongeBob's stinky attitude. :-) But this the one that I want to emphasize.

My question to you is this:
What is that thing in your life for which you are in too much of a hurry? What would be bigger or better if you were just a little more patient?
Patience is not something of which our generation has a lot. Nor is it an ability that we have developed into something strong. As a result, many other things do not develop to its full potential. Here are a couple of examples.

... read more

And my post tat announce the cuartion show. You can check on my blog @seyiodus.

These were the posts that were presented at the show. Hope to see you by next Tuesday for another TCCNS.
Thanks for reading and remain blessed.
(The link to the server: https://discord.gg/qUrZkJn or you can click on the banner)

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@seyiodus life happens. Please you do not have to apologize. I am sorry for your bereavement, accept my heartfelt condolence. My prayers are with your and your family - may his soul rest in peace.

Thanks. God bless you.

Regarding Abraham "lying" if you read carefully he did not lie. He in wisdom gave the relevant information as his wife was also his "sister" in the sense that they were related.
I would rather look to scripture:

  • Christ has been made unto me Wisdom
  • If ask one lacks wisdom let him ask...

There is no good reason to lie. The Wisdom of Christ is available to all. Here is a story of a Christian girl who did not denounce her faith.

Your question reminds me of a story I heard years ago. In a repressive state where being a Christin was a death sentence. The Christians met underground and disguised bibles or memorized the entire bible to be safe, as being found with a bible was a death sentence. One evening after a fellowship meeting some Christians were stopped by the police and asked where they were coming from. One person full of God's wisdom replied our elder brother has died, and we went to read his will today
The bible is called a testament another word for will.
Wisdom is the principal thing.

Thanks for your own contribution to the question that one of the members asked.
You may join us in flaminghelpers's discord server if you are not there yet.
Bless you.

thanks @seyiodus could you send a discord invite so I join the right one. Thanks

Am sorry......may his perfect soul rest in perfect peace

Awesome experience. Thank you for having me

Pleasure sis.