Calculator to determine your 2022 Tax Return

in #tax3 years ago

Did you know that salaried workers have the right to recover part of the taxes that their employer withholds from them? That's right, like entrepreneurs, merchants, and all-natural persons (Except RESICO ). If you want to know how much you could recover from taxes, use the free tax refund calculator to determine 2022 that I make available to you.

What is the tax refund?

People who work for others in a job, receiving their income through the payment of a wage or salary, are not, for the most part, used to making declarations to the Treasury.

This is because, by law, the employers are the ones who withhold the ISR from their employees every time they pay their salary, delivering it to the Treasury and reporting it in the informative declaration that they are obliged to make each February.

Now, wage earners also have the right to deduct personal expenses, which reduces the amount of tax that should have been withheld. And if excess taxes were withheld, then they have the right to request the return of the surplus from the Treasury, for which you need to make your annual declaration as a natural person in the month of April.

Is it worth the effort and the risks of putting yourself in the sights of the Treasury? Precisely, so that you can find out, I am sharing the calculator with you, so that you can evaluate how much you could recover and thus, if it is worth it, make your annual declaration.

What do you require to calculate your 2022 Tax Return?

The calculator is easy to use, but needs basic information:

The total earnings you had in the year in each of your jobs, including bonuses and commissions, which you can check on your payslips;
The employment subsidy is a part of your tax payment that is subsidized by the government. In many cases you can also find it on your pay stubs;
Total income tax withholding (ISR) for each of your jobs, which you can also find on your payroll receipts;
The invoices for personal expenses that you have made during the past year, must be in your name and include your RFC. Some examples are

Medical expenses,
Interest on mortgage loans,
Voluntary contributions to retirement savings
Medical insurance premiums
tuition fees
Find the complete list of deductible expenses for individuals, as well as the requirements they must meet, by following this link.

However, if you know what you pay for each of these expenses and calculate how much it is approximately per year, you can get a close idea of ​​how much money you are not recovering ... And with it, find enough motivation so that, starting today, Ask to be billed for these expenses and start collecting your bills for next year's statement.

Do your taxes your way with National Tax Reports. Do them yourself, with the help of an expert, or have an expert do them for you from start to finish. Your taxes will be well done.