in #tax8 years ago




26 CFR 1.864-4. This section is used to define what it means to carry on a
trade or business within the United States among other sections of the code.
This section is critical and explains why the IRS answered Interrogatories the
way they did that was posted on the net a few days ago. They made
admissions but inferred there was other SECTIONS other than 26 CFR 1.861

The fact that 1.861-8 (f) contains the statement that income that come from
an "effectively connected trade or business" with the United States is a
source to which the tax on income applies, is a key.

When reading 1.864-4, although it applies to non-resident aliens, gives a
clearer picture. That picture shows that whether you are either a US citizen
or a non-resident alien, your income from a source "effectively connected
with a trade or business with the United States" is taxable. THAT IS IT'S A
REVENUE TAXABLE ACTIVITY. Isn’t an excise tax essentially a use tax for a

What is a trade or business? I had defined this, in detail, in my book Which
One Are You. What I did not define SPECIFICALLY as a "Trade or Business" in
that section of my book, but elsewhere, was the following that is found in 26
CFR 1.864. A trade or business is defined as dealing with the banking
system. The Federal Reserve System has been delegated the fiscal agent of
the United States to carry on the United States Trade or business using the
debt obligations of the United States as the medium of exchange and
transfer of same. This becomes one of the key elements of the tax on income
because it is based on the amount of Federal Reserve "notes" and is why
there is no dollar sign such as this $ appearing on any assessment, and,
therefore, the liability that IRS does not want to talk about. It is presumed
you know that the figures are in dollars. NOT SO. Prove they are MONEY
dollars when none exist. Did you not transfer your check for worthless pieces
of paper as stated by the Federal Reserve? It’s right on the Internet under
Federal Reserve and I posted it twice on e-mails. Monopoly dollars, yes.

When you get paid by check it is drawn on a bank by the company using that
very banking system. You cash that check on the bank it is drawn without
having an account. Any other bank you present it to will require you to have
an account. Most banks will cash a check for under a thousand without an
account. By law, all banks are "sister" banks under the same law and have to
cash that check. When it is cashed you receive the debt obligations of the
United States in a "transfer". It is not money as it only represents money. I
am not here to go into all the laws, statutes and Regulations, and will not
because to do so would require over 1000 pages and I will let you do the
research. I am just giving you why you MAY be subject to the income tax.
For those of you that have Which One Are You, go to pages 160 to 162
then to pages 52 and 74 in that order. For those of you that don’t, you will
have to buy the book if you want to know.

The handling of these debt obligations and the income tax were both passed
in the same year for a reason. The reason is evident when you get done
reading this short article. Those debt obligations are the Federal Reserve
Notes that represent IOU’s of the United States to the Banking system that
the United States created in 1913.

The use of the Federal Reserve "notes" is an absolute commercial process no
matter how you cut it. You are dealing in commercial paper that is not
defined as money or a "Note" in the UCC. It is a private scrip with a trade
mark imprinted on the face of the note.

Yes, Federal Reserve Notes are trademarked because they belong to a
private banking cartel. That’s why the government cannot charge you with
counterfeiting money of the United States. Even the Federal Reserve says
they are worthless paper until used to exchange for substance.

However, you can be charged with infringing on the trade mark by printing
Federal Reserve "notes" carrying the trade mark. Now, do you think the
government is going to admit to this in a court case and blow the whole scam
to wide open?

You bet your sweet bippy they won’t.

You can only counterfeit MONEY as described in their CONSTITUTION, and
Federal Reserve "notes" are not money since they only are worthless pieces
of paper representing money.

But, can they be representative of money because you cannot redeem the
"notes" for MONEY at par. MONEY is never REDEEMABLE. Go ahead and take
a dollar to a bank and demand the real MONEY that it is supposed to
represent. They will not do it.

The letter I have from the Comptroller’s office, by Russell Munk, states that
they can only be exchanged for the same paper money as there is no MONEY
available backing the "note". Sure because it is private scrip.

Now those that have my book will know what transfer means. Are you not
transferring the debt and they want their cut for the Use of that
transfer? The Transfer is the excise taxable activity carrying on a
"trade or business" with the United States agents, the banks.

Now read very carefully 26 CFR 1.864 and you will see that any dealings with
the banking system, in any form, deposits, withdrawals, etc., are considered
"carrying on a trade or business with the United States". That’s why they
don’t care who the hell you are, citizen, non-resident alien, foreigner, neutral,

They all use scrip, don’t they? What is one of the sources mentioned in
1.861-8? Banking, any kind of banking. So the use of the Federal Reserve
Notes is subject to an income tax for the excise privilege of using the private
trademarked scrip of the fiscal agent of the United States banking system in
"transfer". Check out Title 12, 31 and 26. It is all there if you would but pick
it up and read it.

Once you transfer a certain amount of private IOU debt obligations you are
subject to the liability that comes from using the private scrip in the trade or
business of the United States. Why are they debt obligations? Now you see
why they are first liens on all property that you think you own, but do not.
This comes directly from the Federal Reserve page itself where they say the
notes are worthless. Here are a few excerpts:
"Federal Reserve notes represent a first lien on all the assets of the
Federal Reserve Banks, and on the collateral specifically held against
them. Federal Reserve notes are not redeemable in gold, silver or
any other commodity, and receive no backing by anything This has
been the case since 1933. The notes have no value for themselves,
but for what they will buy. In another sense, because they are legal
tender, Federal Reserve notes are "backed" by all the goods and
services in the economy."

Now do you know why the government wants a part of the first lien in the
form of taxes to pay the federal reserve its' interest? Not one stinking dime
goes to pay the government services they say you get. It goes to the Credit
of the United States debt owed the Federal Reserve. On the back of all
canceled checks returned to you from the bank it says, PAY TO THE CREDIT
OF THE UNITED STATES TO ANY FED. RES. BANK. Are you not dealing in "a
Trade or Business" of the United States when dealing in banking holding and
receiving these debt obligations to which they can call in a portion of the lien
denominated "Income Taxes" that are true EXCISES for the use of the debt
obligations? Here is more:

I thought that United States currency was legal tender for all debts.
Some businesses or governmental agencies say that they will only
accept checks, money orders or credit cards as payment, and others
will only accept currency notes in denominations of $20 or smaller.
Isn't this illegal?

The pertinent portion of law that applies to your question is the
Coinage Act of 1965, specifically Section 102. This is now found in
section 392 of Title 31 of the United States Code. The law says that:
"All coins and currencies of the United States (including Federal
Reserve notes and circulating notes of Federal Reserve banks and
national banking associations) . . . shall be legal-tender for all debts,
public and private, public charges, taxes, duties and dues."

This statute means that all United States money as identified above
are a valid and legal offer of payment for debts when tendered to a
creditor. There is, however, no Federal law mandating that a person
or organization must accept currency or coins as for payment for
goods and/or services. For example, a bus line may prohibit payment
of fares in pennies or dollar bills. In addition, movie theaters,
convenience stores and gas stations may refuse to accept large
denomination currency (usually notes above $20) as a matter of

Don’t believe me? Click on this
and read it from the horses mouth.

Don’t like it? What are you going to do about it? What am I going to do about
it? What can you do about it? Absolutely nothing! Every one gripes and
complains. Only a few have tried to do anything about it. It fell on 98 percent
of the population’s deaf ears. They don’t want to go back to real money. They
believe in the confidence game of private scrip, in that it is money to them
because it allows them to purchase things of value. It is nothing more than
first lien debt that is a tax on that scrip whenever it transfers (changes
hands) so it can be continually taxed.

You get paid a certain amount of scrip. The IRS collects a portion through
"income tax" (scrip taxes) leaving you with less scrip. With what is left you
buy a Refrigerator from a dealer. He pays on the income from that sale at
business tax rate, so part of your already taxed scrip gets paid to IRS again.
The dealer buys from the Mfg.. The Mfg. pays a tax on its income from
selling to the dealer, which again is part of the scrip you received that was
already taxed. Finally it comes to the Mfg.. He pays an income tax on that
sale to the dealer, so more scrip is paid. So on the original amount you
received the tax lien was collected upon many times over. Let us say that you
worked for that Mfg.. How did that Mfg. obtain that money to begin with? He
borrowed. From whom? The bank. What did he borrow to pay you? Debt
obligations denoted as ledger accounts. Did the Mfg. transfer to you a ledger
account (check)? Yes he did. Did he have to account for his outlay to the IRS
in the form of a W-2 for his business purposes? Yes. Did you cash that ledger
account for a debt obligation, Federal Reserve note, that had a first lien on it
already at a bank? Yes. And is that bank a part of the fiscal agent of the
United States? Yes. Is then, everyone dealing in banking under the Uniform
Commercial Code using scrip that is privately made? Yes. Can the owner of
that scrip call in a portion of it to offset the debt owed it by the United
States? Yes. Is the IRS the collecting agency for the federal reserve to collect
the debt the United States owes to the Federal Reserve? Yes.

Do you think that Congress, the real criminal thieves, will admit this is what
is happening? Do you think the IRS is going to admit this, but rather say
"there are other statutes" and not admit what they are? Do you think any
court will allow such an argument? Will they will pass it off as frivolous? You
bet they will. They are all in on the scam and have been since taking real
money away from the people. But is silver and gold really money belonging
to the people if they themselves have not mined it, assayed it, had it melted
down and coined it at a mint for the cost of minting as was previously done?

Think about it. What did the Lord Almighty say when Peter showed Him a
coin with the picture of Caesar on it? "Render unto Caesar what is Caesars’."
People, common man, YOU ARE NOT Caesar and never were. So is the
United States coin actually Caesar’s (U.S. which is defined as Congress
Assembled) coin all over again? Did not Peter have to pay a tribute for using
Caesars coin? I’ll let you decide if a private Federal Reserve scrip is their
paper or your paper.

When you exchange your labor for private paper, then
as Ernie Ford sang, "You owe your soul to the company store." Especially
when you claim to be a United States citizen.

Well you can take it or leave it, the choice is yours. I’m just suggesting this is
another hidden fact Government thieves don’t want you to know. This is just
the tip of the iceberg. What is the common denominator in all tax scams?

What does every one use in daily transactions if not paper scrip and checks
that are the trade and business of banking of the fiscal agent of the United

If the Lord Almighty came down and asked you what he asked of
Peter, what would you pull out of your pocket and show him? Here is part of
the Reg.1.864-4 and remember what UNITED STATES they are talking about,
therefore, you are non resident in the United States, therefore alien to the
jurisdiction EXCEPT you are still liable, read the following:

(5) Special rules relating to banking, financing, or similar business activity—
(I) Definition of banking, financing, or similar business. A nonresident alien
individual or a foreign corporation shall be considered for purposes of this
section and paragraph (b)(2) of § 1.864–5 to be engaged in the active
conduct of a banking, financing, or similar business in the United States if at
some time during the taxable year the taxpayer is engaged in business in the
United States and the activities of such business consist of any one or more
of the following activities carried on, in whole or in part, in the United States
in transactions with persons situated within or without the United States:

(a) Receiving deposits of funds from the public, (b) Making personal,
mortgage, industrial, or other loans to the public, (c) Purchasing,
selling, discounting, or negotiating for the public on a regular basis,
notes, drafts, checks, bills of exchange, acceptances, or other
evidences of indebtedness, (d) Issuing letters of credit to the public
and negotiating drafts drawn thereunder, (e) Providing trust services
for the public, or (f) Financing foreign exchange transactions for the
public stocks or securities with active conduct of a banking,
financing, or similar business. Notwithstanding the rules in subparagraphs
(2) and (3) of this paragraph with respect to the asset-use test and
the business-activities test, any dividends or interest from stocks or
securities, or any gain or loss from the sale or exchange of stocks or
securities which are capital assets, which is from sources within the United
States and derived by a nonresident alien individual or a foreign corporation
in the active conduct during the taxable year of a banking, financing, or
similar business in the United States shall be treated as effectively
connected for such year with the conduct of that business only if the
stocks or securities giving rise to such income, gain, or loss are attributable
to the U.S. office through which such business is carried on and— (a) Were
acquired— (1) As a result of, or in the course of making loans to the public,
(2) In the course of distributing such stocks or securities to the public, or (3)
For the purpose of being used to satisfy the reserve requirements, or other
requirements similar to reserve requirements, established by a duly
constituted banking authority in the United States, or ----"

Now to prove that the same apply to US citizens read this small part from 1-861
(2) The term ‘‘resident of the United States’’, as used in this paragraph,
includes (I) an individual who at the time of payment of the interest is a
resident of the United States, (ii) a domestic corporation, (iii) a domestic
partnership which at any time during its tax-able year is engaged in trade or
business in the United States, or (iv) a foreign corporation or a foreign
partnership, which at any time during its taxable year is engaged in trade or
business in the United States.*** corporation on— (a) Deposits with
persons, including citizens of the United States or alien individuals and
foreign or domestic partnerships or corporations, carrying on the banking
business in the United States, (b) Deposits or withdrawal accounts with
savings institutions chartered and supervised as savings and loan or similar
associations under Federal or State law, or (c) Amounts held by an insurance
company under an agreement to pay interest thereon,

Have a good day

The Informer

This article is several years old and thus the links provided may not work...