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RE: ...

in #tauchain6 years ago (edited)

One important aspect of TAU is that it doesn't get stuck at a local maxima, but can re-evaluate the whole set of agreements. It isn't limited to incremental changes like current systems, but can evaluate all possible outcomes based on given boundaries and preferences. Here's from Ohad's post

An approach for rule-changing that was considered on the old Tau is Nomic's approach. To explain Nomic's approach and the new Tau's approach we'll use an example. Consider two lawyers each representing two sides of some deal, trying to converge into a contract such that both lawyers agree on. One way would be the following. First lawyer suggests a clause in the contract, and the second lawyer may agree or not. If agreed, then the clause is appended, otherwise it isn't. Then it's the second lawyer's turn to propose a clause and so on. This would be the Nomic way. The equivalent for Tau is to apply successive code patches with time. By that we pose an asymmetry between opinions that came first. There's a lot to say about this asymmetry and how Tau manages to avoid it almost completely, but for now, consider the case where a newly proposed clause contradicts an old clause. If we don't want to give priority to what came first, they will then have to amend the new or old clause or even more clauses, and not by default delete the old clause.

Another way would be that on every turn, each lawyer submits a whole contract draft, and the other lawyer may either accept it or propose a different draft. Requiring each draft to be logically consistent, we will never have to deal with contradictions of past vs future. It eliminates completely the need to look back. But it still cannot scale. What if we had a million lawyers, will they read a million drafts?

Over Tau we can take all those million contract drafts, which correspond to proposals of Tau's next full code, and in a quite straight-forward way (thanks to the logical formalism of the documents) calculate the precise core that everyone agree on, and list the points to be resolved. We don't need to vote, we do it just as in small groups in real life, we just speak, and the opinions map arise from the conversation to any intelligent listener.


Doesn’t look like you post too often, but you earned a new follower, nonetheless... :-)