How Tau-Chain can be implemented in practice

in #tau-chain7 years ago (edited)

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What is Tau-Chain?

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how Tau-Chain (Tau) can be implemented in practice. I have already presented Tau and its four-step roadmap in my previous article, but I think that further explanation about Tau is required to better understand its applications.

Tau is basically a discussion platform (like any other social network you know) with two significant innovations:

  1. Scalability: Tau will be able to scale discussions between infinite number of users by detecting logical points of consensus. Whenever a consensus is detected, the platform will automatically advance the focus of the conversation, creating an effective discussion without the need to vote or choose a decision maker.

  2. Deduce Knowledge: The content of the discussions will be translated to a MetaLanguage (TML) and be added to a “Knowledge Archive”, from which Tau can increase its knowledge and precision. Tau will act as an additional member in the discussion, assisting in providing its knowledge and analyzing the data for the users.

*Just to clarify, knowledge can be facts, lines of code, qualitative and quantitative data, etc.

How Tau can be implemented in practice?

Tau will be a free, open-source platform to advance and execute knowledge. Think about it as a one-stop shop that provides free consulting services, in all areas, to large numbers of people. For example, if you would like to start an enterprise but you lack the relevant business skills, Tau can answer your questions and even perform a market research or analysis (if initial data is provided) to evaluate your business opportunity.

In order to better understand how Tau can improve our society, I am providing below a detailed example showing how I see the vision implemented in practice.

Suppose Alice and Olivia are Ph.D. students in computer science who face a problem with their research. They use Tau to discuss the details of their data, findings and hypothesis. Tau will automatically translate this information into its metalanguage, adding Alice and Olivia’s data to the knowledge archive. Tau is basically the third member in the conversation, and can guide Alice and Olivia to advance their research by interpreting the data and suggesting improvements to their findings. If the students would like to implement the research and develop computer software, Tau will assist them with writing the code in the most efficient way. Using Tau, Alice and Olivia can overcome the limits of their knowledge to quickly complete and implement their research.

But how can people profit from sharing their knowledge?

There is another way for Tau to deepen its knowledge and develop better intelligence. Tau can gain knowledge from the Knowledge Marketplace (Agoras), a blockchain based smart contracts platform where individuals are able to generate income by sharing knowledge and information. With every transaction and exchange of knowledge, Tau will be exposed to the data to become more “educated” and accurate, resulting in a better knowledge deduction capability.

I know that smart contract platforms already exist, but they all lack very important capabilities – the ability to auto-verify the data, run quality assurance tests and suggest improvements to eliminate potential disagreements between the parties to a contract. Tau’s artificial intelligence will support the transaction between the two parties, and will make sure that there will be no fraudulent activities, inaccurate information or low-quality services. This will be the only platform where a computer that acts human (without human deficiencies) will supervise and support such transactions.

The following example demonstrates a possible application of Agoras:

Consider Bob, a software developer who has recently signed a smart contract with David to design a new software program. When Bob shared his code in the Knowledge Marketplace (Agoras), Tau verifies the relevancy of the code and will even suggest improvements to advance the code, eliminating a potential disagreement about quality and fraud. Upon Tau’s approval, Bob will receive his reward, as agreed in the contract. Tau will use the final code as additional knowledge to strengthen the platform’s intelligence.

Now, let’s go back to Alice and Olivia who instructed Tau to develop computer software. In order to self-define the optimal code for them, Tau used (among other things) a piece of the knowledge contributed by Bob.

As described above, the compensation mechanism will incentivize users to contribute their knowledge to advance ideas of others. Thus, we create a society in which individuals’ knowledge and expertise become public domain and can be better utilized to promote social health, welfare and resources.

I provided only a few examples of how Tau and Agoras can by implemented in practice. My examples were computer-science related, but you should realize that Tau-Chain can advance ideas and produce knowledge for every collaborative human endeavor across all fields, including sciences, business and government. Think about a situation where you have a problem and need some help – this is where Tau can assist you with solving your problem and even execute the solution if required and applicable.

Just to clarify, Agoras is also the name of the tokens that users will use in the Knowledge Marketplace (the smart contract platform). Agoras tokens holders will also benefit from developments that will be built as part of Tau’s ecosystem, including a Computational Resource Market (“Zennet”), Distributed Search Engine and a Derivatives Trading Platform.

To end this article, I would like to quote the last paragraph in my previous article, as it is still relevant:

"I foresee huge potential for this project, and urge you to read and learn about this project and its relevant applications. If you find this vision interesting, I recommend that you follow the project on Telegram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Reddit, or read Ohad’s blog for further information."

Disclaimer: I have invested in Agoras. Please do your own research before investing in Agoras and/or any other coin or project. Please do not consider this article to constitute financial advice.


It'll be really interesting to see it once the alpha is out and we're able to scale discussions logically. This should to a great acceleration in how knowledge is created.

Nice examples in your post

Thanks for the article @flis, some questions:-

  • Will the project parse discussions / information on public content blockchains like Steem?

  • How will machine-learning, or pattern-recognition of large datasets be involved? Or are information "reduced" to TML which then doesn't require such a practice?

Nice idea but I think that it will be very difficult to realize it...

Very interesting tech.... thank you for turning me on to this, definitely gonna look into it.


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any plans on the board for getting together a foundation to lead partnerships with different institutions and such...?

might be great to team up with some specific educational and/or research institutions who'd make great contributors to some pilot projects on the platform, putting together a number of case studies of specific applications and initiatives to start out with - perhaps specifically to bring this as a component to leverage in challenges they're currently working on solutions for though having troubles, which this could greatly accelerate the advancement...

Nice work! As the project progress, more people will contribute their ideas in an enormously large unimaginable untapped knowledge resources available to mankind.

Interesting... If I understend it right, I think Tau can also be our decentralized friend that will help us to connect better in the age of robots :) A tool for providing basic income for sharing a knowledge that benefits all of us. Amazing project!