Getting My Tattoo Removed

Back in my mid 20's I got a black tribal art rose tattooed on the lower part of my left leg. At that time, the location of the tattoo never really crossed my mind. It just seemed like a cool and rebellious thing to do. I really didn't think about the design too much. I knew that I loved roses and the color black, so I chose a black tribal art rose. The original stencil had a red rose, but at that time, I wasn't a fan of colored tattoo's.

Fast forward twenty years later. I decided that the location of this tattoo hadn't been one of my better choices. I'm older, wiser and have realized that we all make bad choices sometimes in our lives. Mine happened to be visible, permanent and in black ink. Also, in the career that I have, tattoo's often have a negative vibe and are frowned upon bu some. Personally, I love tattoos and actually have another one. ( That one is not visible; it's also very personal and does have a lot of meaning. )

I decided to get the tattoo removed about two years ago. Picosure was the newest tattoo removal and the reviews seemed to have good results. The following paragraph was taken from Carolina Laser and Cosmetic Center, the link will follow: Picsure uses the latest technology to remove ink colors and brown spots by delivering ultra-short picosecond pulses of energy in to the skin. These pulses create a photo-mechanical effect, or pressure wave, that targets ink and brown spots while avoiding unmarked tissue. Pressure Wave shatters the ink and brown spots in to tiny, dust-like particles which are easily eliminated by the body. This results in clearer skin with fewer treatments without injuring the skin. Sourced:

The procedure is costly compared to the coupple of hundred bucks that I spent to have the tattoo put on. Pricing of removal is determined by size and has cost me 1,800 dollars just for my small tattoo. Also, at that time in which I started, there were only two places in our state that offered 0% financing as long as it was paid for in a year. This was a big decision for me, not only the expense, but the time and distance to have the procedure done. I drive three hours each way for this ten minute procedure.

Almost two years in to the removal process and it has drastically faded. I wish I had a picture of the tattoo prior to beginning treatment. After two more sessions, I will take a little break, get a tan and let my leg heal for a while. Sun an laser treatments don't work too well together, so I have been pasty white for way too long!

I will start again with the removal process in the fall and hopefully by spring, my little flower will be gone. High hopes and fingers crossed!

For others wanting a new tattoo, please remember it is all about placement and you will be stuck with it unless you want to go through what I am at the moment. I will chalk this up as a lesson learned.


Wow @carolina-gilr! It definitely looks like the original has faded substantially, considering it was dark black. How many sessions have you done to get to this point? Is the procedure painful?

It has faded away dramatically. Danny has taken some pictures but not from the very beginning. He came up with the idea and said that we should have done a time lapse type of thing. I've already had about 10 sessions believe it or not. This is a very time consuming process. The treatment itself only takes about ten minutes but I have to take off an entire day of work to do this and you have to space the treatments out so far apart, that's why it's taking FOREVER to get this done! And yes, it does hurt a little bit.

It sure does look good @carolina-girl. Does your skin feel like it's been burnt the next day after a treatment?

It doesn't really feel burnt, just kind of tight and a little tender.

It would break deans heart if he had to remove his. I don't have any, nor piercings. It wasn't allowed in my family and just seemed to stay that way. I have often thought of a ladybug one, but probably will never get one. But it would be cool.....

Danny would be the same way. As a matter of fact, he wouldn't remove his for any reason I'm sore of it. My family didn't approve of tattoos either, I think that's what made getting this one so exciting to be honest,a little bit of rebellion coming out lol. A ladybug would be cute on you!

You are right. We made some foolish decisions when we were young.
I guess that I must still be young. That is the only way to explain some of my recent foolish decisions lately. Ha
Just kidding. I do make some mistakes. But, for my whole life.
Anything that would hurt me. I was suspicious back then.
No tattoos. No smoking. No.......................Except the greatest
mistake of all. Girls.Ha
It looks to be working out well for you. Thank you for showing us what it will take for anyone wanting to do what you are doing.


From the looks of your photos, it doesn't look like you've made any mistakes, Fanicisk! Hopefully showing this will give someone a second thought before heading out to get a possible mistake.

Nice tatu.