Cake & patisseries (ENG/ PT/ DE)

in #tasteem6 years ago


Apple meets chocolate

Oh I found I nice memory of one of my trips.
When I was visiting the island azores, I stopped at a fresh place where you could eat delicious cakes and patisseries. This place was on Sao Miguel and after a discovering tour and a grumpy stomach we sat down there to enjoy the fresh cake and pastrie, hmh, yummy.
I am not sure about the name but I think it is "Ementa", because this was written on the menu.
There I ate the best apple pie in this area. At our first view the place looked not special and we had to walk by three time until we finally decided to stop here. But we were positive surprised. The food is delicious here. It seems to be a fancy spot thats why the prices are more experience than at other cafeterias but if you like to have a clear white area around you and some chilling music it is your place.
Check out the pictures and get a visual impression about it.

Bon appetit and stay tasty.

Text and pictures made by myself.

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A maçã encontra o chocolate

Encontrei uma boa recordação de uma das minhas viagens.
Quando eu estava visitando os Açores da ilha, parei em um lugar fresco onde se podia comer deliciosos bolos e pastelarias. Este lugar ficava em São Miguel e depois de um tour de descoberta e um estômago rabugento sentamos lá para curtir o bolo fresco e a pastelaria, hmh, yummy.
Não tenho certeza sobre o nome, mas acho que é "Ementa", porque isso foi escrito no menu.
Lá eu comi a melhor torta de maçã da região. Na nossa primeira vista o lugar não parecia especial e tivemos que andar três vezes até que finalmente decidimos parar aqui. Mas ficamos positivamente surpresos. A comida é deliciosa aqui. Parece ser um lugar chique por isso que os preços são mais caros do que em outras cafeterias, mas se você gosta de ter uma área branca clara ao seu redor e alguma música refrescante, é o seu lugar.
Confira as fotos e obter uma impressão visual sobre ele.

Bom apetite e fique saboros.
Texto e fotos feitas por mim.

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Apfel trifft Schokolade

Oh, ich habe eine schöne Erinnerung an eine meiner Reisen gefunden.
Als ich die Azoren besuchte, hielt ich an einem echt freshen Ort an, wo man köstliche Kuchen und Konditoreiwaren essen konnte. Dieser Ort war auf Sao Miguel und nach einer Entdeckungsreise und einem mürrischen Magen setzten wir uns dort hin, um den frischen Kuchen und das Gebäck zu genießen, hmh, lecker.
Ich bin mir über den Namen nicht mehr so ganz sicher, aber ich denke, es ist "Ementa", denn das stand auf der Speisekarte.
Dort aß ich den besten Apfelkuchen in dieser Gegend. Auf den ersten Blick sah der Ort nicht besonders aus und wir mussten drei Mal vorbeigehen, bis wir uns schließlich entschieden, hier anzuhalten. Aber wir waren positiv überrascht. Das Essen ist sehr delikat hier. Es scheint ein facy umd trendy Ort zu sein, deshalb sind die Preise etwas teurer hier als in anderen Cafes, aber wenn du eine Location magst, welche klar und weiß um dich herum erstrahlt und angenehme, ruhige Musik spielt, dann bist du hier gemau richtig.
Schaue dir die Bilder selbst an und verschaffe dir einen visuellen Eindruck davon.

Bon Appetit und bleibt lecker.
Fotos und Text von mir gemacht.
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Restaurant Information

3230 São Miguel, Portugal

Cake & patisseries (ENG/ PT/ DE)
This post participated in the Tasteem contest Bakeries and Patisseries

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I love all the photos that you took, very professional. And who is going to pick a fruit when there's all that sweet options?!?

If you have some time, please come play this little game I'm running on my page

Thanks a million for your feedback. Happy that you like it. Sorry, I dont play games. Bit thanks for offer me. :)))

the cakes ... my passion :)
Thanks for sharing

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