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RE: <Your weekly choice > Contest Announcement

in #tasteem7 years ago

Is that the Discord where you shill for EOS? There have been enough complaints about your behavior in the Thai community and your dozens of accounts. I will be downvoting @tasteem and related posts until they cut ties with community bullies and trolls. Whether you are a "manager" or a "member", you are misusing their voting power.


Sir , I believe somebody used you and your power for his own personal issues. This’s my group discord, why don’t you join and see all by yourself sir? We have never promoted eos on our discord. Our discord is private and have only about 20 members. I believe you are the man with honor sir. Please be fair and see this by yourself. Nobody should listen to something only on one side,this is not fair sir.I really think you have to know the true story behind this...

I only have one account, another one is my group account. This’s belongs to our whole group. We write posts, and power up all the income to support our friends. Before you make a wrong judgement because someone used you as his shield, you have to listen to the other side also sir. I have my own proof, you can see it all. This is my group discord:

You were kicked out of the Thai community's channel and I've seen pages' worth of evidence.

What I had with your friend is a personal case, nothing to do with a community or anybody else. I walk away from the community before he cut me out of the discord. I can walk away from Tasteem because I don’t want to see my personal problems with your friend destroy Tasteem reputation. But please believe me, there’s something you needed to see, someone is playing you and didn’t show you everything. Please join my discord or contact me directly from Tasteem discord. Don’t keep yourself in the dark, you really need to see my evidence. I am maybe the last person you want to believe but please see my evidence first, before you make any mistake...I am waiting for you there, i don’t know how to contact you directly, you really need to see something.

This’s not fair to Tasteem because someone(your friend) who has a personal issue with me is trying to manipulate you and use your power to do something that may not be fair to another person. There are some missing pages on your book.

I use nobody, if you do talking about me, I can even provide many witnesses that will tell the truth about your behaviors mister @impressible. Also, has a curator you sucks, using Steem to your personnal use and not Tasteem related post also Korean people complain about your use of delegation. I have many people ready to tell what you've done. Anyway I know you well enough and also know the bad tricks you use, the mess you brought to Thai community and the fear for some Thai people.

Also, about your so-called personnal issue with me I have plenty of people ready to testify why they have quit the Thai community because of your behaviors, your contest rigging, your blaming and walking on other heads. So, personal not really, you are a scammer many people want to talk. I am not here to take care of you, you already prove to the community how much you only care your own person.

The Story between you and me is long over. Only we know what the truth behind. You are the one who drowned every in to make this look like it was not personal. Just because I was stepping on your tail. How ever, do you think is fair to another person get the whale friend to downvoted someone who has nothing to do with? This’s beyond just a fight between you and me, where is here the moral?

Most of the people contact us after the ban because they were thinking I supported you so every people has his own story and I have a mountain of stories from several people. Anyway, you are a scammer and know how to use words but you cannot stand the truth of the people. Think what you want I don't want a talk to you. You just a scammer and you curation shows it all.

You are supposed to be a curator and you make a bad use of the Steem delegation upvoting all kinds of personal posts on many of your accounts, you supposed to work for the people not for you and only you. The delegation abuses will be soon reported and the delegation maybe lower or you may get out of a position that does not fit scammers.

Your friend @donkeypong should be fair and look at the missing pages that I have according to this issue. I have never disturbed you or anyone ever since. You are here to claim about people and which people? in this case is you and your own ego. What are you so afraid of? That someone have enough evidence to expose you? Why keep following and try to destroy me? I scam about what? what’s does my curation shows to you? I am not the one who put my wife on position and tells the world she is just a working partner.

Bla bla as usual no time to lose with you! Scammer are always scammers! And concerning @tookta there is no secret so claim whatever shit you want facts are facts. Also, I'm not attacking you but I see you talking about me, so it is my right to say what I have to say.

Do not frame this as a personal disagreement. There have been many complaints against @impressable from that community (with which I have worked for more than one year). There is plenty of evidence and it points to him being dishonest and manipulative. Meanwhile, I have worked with Ricko66 and the others there extensively; they are hardworking and have proven their honesty and humility many times over. I have a very high opinion of the Thai community.

Ricko knows about everything from the beginning and he is much involved in this case more than he told you. I don’t want to put any evidence in the public place but if you want to see, feel free to contact me. I can show you a missing page. To avoid any further issue which can destroy Tasteem Reputation. I will resign from a team position. I am the only one who’s responsible for the promoting content.