in #tasteem5 years ago


Dear Steemians,

Banyak tanaman liar yang bermanfaat untuk manusia, ada yang dapat dijadikan tanaman herbal ada juga yang dapat dikonsumsi baik daun maupun buahnya seperti Rambotbu atau di Nusantara dikenal dengan nama Rambusa. Di Aceh saat bulan puasa yaitu bulan Ramadhan bulan suci umat Islam dipasar tradisional banyak dijual sayur campur yang sudah diikat-ikat atau orang Aceh menyebutnya Gule Rampou yang dalam satu ikatan dicampur bermacam jenis tumbuhan sayuran termasuk didalamnya batang dan daun Rambotbu.


Biasanya Gule Rampou atau sayur campur dimasak sayur bening atau direbus, dengan cara mencampurkan
bahan pelengkap lainnya seperti :

  • 3 buah belimbing uluh, direbus lalu
    diulek dengan garam dan cabai
    rawet atau cabai kecil hijau.
  • 3 lembar daun jeruk purut, dirobek.
  • 3 siung bawang merah, dirajang.
  • Lalu rebus air secukupnya, setelah
    mendidih masukkan sayur dan
    bahan pelengkap semuanya.
  • 3 buah cabai hijau, dipatahin.
  • Tunggu sampai sayur matang, lalu
  • Siap disajikan, paling enak disantap
    dengan nasi panas dan ikan goreng


Rambotbu, jenis tanaman liar yang merambat dan memiliki keunikan yaitu buah kecil bulat dibungkusi dengan jaring, seperti foto-foto yang ditampil kali ini, coba lihat beberapa foto itu saya memotret dari berbagai sudut, terlihat jelas batang dan bunga serta buah dan daunnya.


Sebenarnya buah Rambotbu bersaudara dengan buah Markisa dan mirip Markisa kecil yang memiliki nama Latin PASSIFLORA
FOETIDA. Daun Rambotbu apa bila diremas-remas akan mengeluarkan bau khas yang menyengat.


Ciri-ciri Rambotbu memiliki bunga cantik berwarna putih dan kelopaknya berbentuk jaring-jaring bagaikan rambut. Buah yang sudah tua terbungkus rapi dengan jaring, dan perlu diingat buah tua yang belum matang jangan dimakan, karena kata orang kampung buah tersebut masih mengandung racun. Tapi kalau sudah matang berwarna kuning dan orange sangat sedap rasanya, saya sering memakanya. Buah Rambotbu memilki biji didalam
nya dan berlendir serupa buah markisa. Rasa buahnya asam-asam manis.


Rambotbu tumbuh subur di tempat terbuka yaitu di daerah yang terkena sinar matahari langsung, seperti foto yang ditampilkan disini, yaitu Rambotbu yang tumbuh di pekarangan belakang rumah kami di area terbuka dan terkena sinar matahari langsung.



Dear Steemians,

Many wild plants are beneficial to humans, some can be used as herbal plants, some can be consumed both leaves and fruit such as Rambotbu or in the archipelago known as Rambusa. In Aceh during the fasting month of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month in the traditional market, many mixed mixed vegetables are sold or the Acehnese call it Gule Rampou which in one bond is mixed with various types of vegetable plants including the trunk and leaves of Rambotbu.

Usually Gule Rampou or mixed vegetables are cooked with clear or boiled vegetables, by mixing
Other supplementary materials such as:

  • 3 pieces of red star fruit, boiled
    then pulverized with salt and chili
    small. rawet or green chili.
  • 3 sheets of kaffir lime leaves,torn.
  • 3 cloves of shallot, chopped.
  • Then boil enough water, after
    boil add vegetables and all of these
    complementary ingredients.
  • 3 green chilies, broken.
  • Wait until the vegetables are
    cooked, then lift.
  • Ready to be served, best to eat
    with hot rice and fried fish

Rambotbu, a type of wild plant that is unique and has a small round fruit wrapped in a net, like the photos shown this time, just look at some of the photos I took from various angles, clearly visible stems and flowers and fruit and leaves.

Actually the Rambotbu fruit is related to the passion fruit and resembles a small passion fruit which has the Latin name PASSIFLORA
FOETIDA. Rambotbu leaves what when squeezed will emit a characteristic pungent odor.

The characteristics of Rambotbu have beautiful white flowers and their petals are shaped like hair nets. Old fruit is neatly wrapped in a net, and keep in mind that old fruit that is not yet ripe should not be eaten, because the villagers said it still contains poison. But when it's ripe the yellow and orange are very tasty, I often eat them. Rambotbu fruit has seeds inside
slimy and similar to passion fruit. Sweet and sour fruit taste.

Rambotbu thrives in an open area that is in an area exposed to direct sunlight, like the photo shown here, namely Rambotbu that grows in the backyard of our house in an open area and is exposed to direct sunlight.

Lhokseumawe, 2 March 2020

BY: @almazzhr


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