

I did two mini-spreads for each possibility


It looks like if you do settle there will be some inner conflict over whether or not youcould have gotten more out of the situation if you had tried harder, and what-ifs are definitely hard to deal with, but ultimately you'll have a sense of peace and balance about moving on.


There probably is a little more in your favor to be won here, but there are a lot of things to navigate that might seem like one thing but are peobably another. If, and i emphasize the "if" everything goes accordingly, you would have a lot to celebrate. That being said, you'd have to stay fired up over whatever this is for that much longer.

6 of wands

This says to me that you've already won? Why would you want to prolong the struggle?

Thank you very much for the reading @Tarotsphere. The situation is still up in the air, so I cannot exactly comment on accuracy yet other than to say: 1) your analysis makes sense so far 2) it is in line with a reading I got from @whiteheart yesterday, who said something that was not exactly too different; just a different emphasis. Overall both readings harmonize.

Hi ZI!

Work was a little more intense today than I anticipated. I'm headed home now and will do your reading as soon as I get there! Besides, I have more decks there than here ;)

Oh dude no worries. Let me know if you have a question for me.

Your reading is up 😊 sorry about the wait!