Random Tarot Reading Request - Ask Your Question Here!

A dear friend and client reached out to me to ask a question. If you would like me to answer a question for you, please leave it in the comment section below! Their question was,
"What is RMG's opinion of me?"
To get a deeper look at how this person feels about my client and his opinion of her, I decided to consult with my rose quartz runes and Albano Waite tarot deck for some answers.
"How does RMG feel about my client?"

Ansuz reversed is associated with the trickster god, Loki. This rune speaks about dishonesty, bring lied to, or being deceived in someway. Poor communication, mixed messages, and secretive behavior are also possible themes that ansuz reversed brings up.
Again we see this theme of RMG wanting to discern the truth by them coming to us as the King of Swords. He wants truth, clarity, and isn't getting emotional about my client because he feels a sense of uncertainty. A lack of information and insight seems to be causing this - perhaps by not having enough experience, communication, or information about my client. Perhaps it is her inaction as the Empress that makes RMG feel the need to keep his wits about him. She seems open but isn't trying...
He does see her as a mature woman, someone receptive to him but not trying to accomplish or do anything in particular. I think this is the nature of his issue, she seems present but isn't seemingly trying to take this anywhere.
I clarified these cards with the two thrown at the bottom of the spread. Yes, this man is confused and is not clear - he is not sure of what he is seeing. I do see he is wondering if my client is interested in him, but he himself isn't so sure and therefore is trying to be logical, rational, and unemotional.
Here is what I got for advice on what to do next:
Dagaz is a rune of bold action, a burst of illumination. Judgement with it says go bold, blow the horn (reach out to them), and make things come back to life. Come together with this individual in a friendly manner, it almost looks like the powers that be want you to make some sort of social call on them… then give up and do nothing for awhile. Then pick it back up, sending a text or email asking some of sort of question(s), and let him respond :)
click on the link below:

I wish I can comment more on the accuracy, but by the nature of the question it is information I do not know; but everything you said makes perfect sense. I do have a miscommunication I need to iron out; which is the motive for asking the question in the first place. This just confirmed that I should perhaps address it, because what are the odds of you being that specific enough to mention it? But that is what you often do, and with high accuracy.
I love it when I am the Empress.
Also, I think the cards and the Rune harmonized well.
Thanks for the wonderful reading. :)
Also, really pretty layout.
Thank you so much my lovely for validating and your kind words, yes you should address it :)
Oh, and resteemed.
Thanks doll, I am honored!