TAROT AND ASTROLOGY IN MOTION: July's Spiritual Resolutions (or predictions) for all Signs

in #tarot7 years ago (edited)

I must admit the fact that no matter what I do I still remain a tarot or any other's deck junky...I have tried many times in the past to calm down and stop collecting decks of cards but every time that I see a deck that I like, I've got to have it. It's some kind of addiction and addicted people would understand what I mean.

Anyway, sometimes I buy decks from well-known websites, though I hate myself but I can't find them somewhere else and other times I walk in bookstores and I buy unique, vintage decks that it would be almost impossible to find them anywhere in the world. 

The gypsy, tarot deck is one of those commercial but special decks which you can also find along with an astrology magazine and it looks a lot like the Lenormand deck but it's different and this is why I like it so much...

Actually, I don't care where a deck comes from (either it comes from a bookstore or a website) if it triggers my intuition when I see it, I buy it. This is the way it all started with my first tarot deck. I got inside a bookstore, I saw the deck and I bought it.  

So, every time that I get a new deck, I work on it for about a month, I also cast some readings for myself and my friends and when I feel that I am ready (...I am fast learner with a system...) I also cast readings for clients. 

This month's taroscopic predictions for all signs have been cast with this strange, retro, gypsy tarot deck that I have found "somewhere" and I really like its energy vibes. It's also very fun interpreting these cards because they have very simple, straightforward meanings and on some level their type is more of a fortune-telling kind. However, I always enrich basic cards' interpretations with my own controversial, tarot intellectualism...

Note: I don't usually read reversed cards, because I believe that either a card is reversed or not, it has 2 meanings. The only difference is that an upright card (for me) has great, vital energy and the reversed one has low energy for the matter hand. Therefore, it needs to be taken more seriously than other cards and one should work harder on what it suggests, at least for the time being...

Now, you may read your spiritual resolutions and remember to keep only what resonates with you. If nothing resonates with you, then you'd better read the resolution of your ascendant, rather than your sun's sign.

Funny fact: Sometimes, I find myself "wandering" around Libra, though I am a Scorpio (my ascendant is Virgo...) because most of my planetary alignments are located in Libra...And stuff about Libra seems to make more sense to me when I read it. Also, a nice combination from all the above offers great info.

ARIES (March 21-April 20) - THE KEYES

This period is signified by secure and warm feelings for you. Any problem can be easily solved as long as you do not concentrate so much on things that don't matter. You already have the solution but you still search for answers, creating communication problems and not taking your good skills into account. Separate the meaningless things from what truly matters in your life.

TAURUS (April 21-May 20) - THE CLOUDS

Imagination plays a great part in your life - though not usually - and this time you've seem to go too far with it. You have created a beautiful bubble where you want to stay inside forever. If you experience tough times at the moment, take into consideration the fact that they will not change, unless you decide to break this bubble. It's nice living on the clouds, but you can't' stay up there forever.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - THE LILLIES

Good luck is on your side this month, just play your cards right. Your spirit is very uplifted and you have terrific, new ideas (you actually have most of the time) but this time your superior mental and physical condition, inspire you to be more creative. Just do not fall into the trap of doing many different things at the same time, since now you feel so confident. Take care not to lose your main goal and stay focused.

CANCER (June 21-July 21) - THE BROOM

Family matters make you feeling insecure and vulnerable this month. It seems that a solution is difficult to find because you cannot communicate with easiness and as a result things get tougher on family matters. Try communicating in a more understanding way. If you believe that it's really you who is right then find a way to express your opinions with sense and sensibility and matters will resolve faster and easier for you.

LEO (July 22-August 22) - THE LETTER

What more could a letter mean other than news? However, this month you have to think in a sensible way in order to "decode" and separate wisely the good news from the bad news. When you receive new information, don't get so enthusiastic for what is to come, judging by the first impression...Dig deeper and you will find the meaning of every new opportunity that appears on your path.

VIRGO (July 22-August 22) - THE THUNDER

Ok, try to stay calm this month and think that everything happens for a reason after all...Maybe a storm is coming or maybe you already go through this but it will pass. Consider every challenging situation in life as an opportunity that adds bonus on your personal growth and move on. It is always better knowing the truth, facing with courage what's in front of you, rather than hiding behind the shadows like a coward...Nobody likes a coward...

LIBRA (Sept.22-Oct.22) - THE HOUSE

There is something that's blocking you on the inside but you need to know that your family is here to support you, though this blockage doesn't let you "understand" so much this month. If you want to feel financially secured, then start communicating in a more constructive way and if you still feel that blockages make it hard for you to talk or ask for moral support, then take a walk by yourself to clear your mind or go somewhere for the weekend all alone and stay with your thoughts...It will help...

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.22) - THE RINGS

Social interactions seem to be a little tough for you this month. Probably, this is why you seem to have some kind of misunderstandings with your partner. Maybe, you have given the wrong impression to your loved one and now you experience additional misunderstandings with your friends and they also experience difficulty expressing their thoughts to you. Be more clear by saying what you wish to say and don't expect others to follow you blindly on anything you say or do.


Doubting, doubting and doubting again...It's ok because sometimes we all doubt ourselves, our choices and so on but don' t hope to accomplish something worthy in your life if you keep on wondering about "the could have been". If what's making you doubting is things that you don't understand because you are unable to decode (people's behaviours and so on) then stop being obsessed. Express your heartfelt emotions, share your worries in a caring way and you will be rewarded.


This month your behaviour may be self-desctructive. Use your wisdom and those who tempt you into being self-desctrtuctive will taste their own medicine. Don't let your emotions make you more vulnerable than you already are. People will try to tempt you this month with their actions but remember that keeping your self-control is the best way to defeat illusions and even to avoid being deceived by others. 

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Fab.18) - THE DOG

You are another one who gets lucky this month. Whatever the problem you will manage with excellent support from your loved ones. You have friends that care a lot about you and they are willing to understand your needs more than ever. Just remember not to let other people take all the control, don't give the impression that you are needy or dependent by others because you will regret it in the long run. Also, don't feel pleased when you see other people being dependent by you and set your limits on how much support you actually need from others. 

PISCES (Feb.19-Mar.20) - THE CATS

If you want something badly you have to be persistent and patient at the same time. However, you must keep in your mind that nothing is as it seems. People who are very close to you may seem eager to help you succeed in your plans but in reality they just overacting. So beware of those who praise you for your skills and give yourself a good reason to succeed in your goals which are mostly focused on the reality of the situation.

*as always, this tarot reading - like all my readings - is custom and the law makes me state that it is written only for informative purposes

I also plan to create a quiz in the future that will involve the symbols of these cards...So stay tuned for more.

If you are interested in a personal and custom gypsy, tarot reading, visit Tarot Odyssey and book your own for free. You may also choose among many different readings that we offer like dice, dream, astrology or oracle and the good news is that they all have a free basic version.